For all of Lawrance's efforts, there's nothing to indicate that anyone else has ever been here.
Perry investigates the fountain, not finding much of interest there either. But when he dips his tail within, something bites down and starts pulling.
Out of Character: 13 piercing damage and poor Perry needs to make an Athletics roll to avoid being pulled into the fountain. If he can make DC 10 at least, he'll resist long enough for another to grab on and help. DC 20 and he can brace himself to resist the tug unaided.
Perry dips his tail into the water and feels something chomp down on it. For a moment, time freezes for the poor tiefling. His ears begin ringing from the sheer pain rushing up his tail and to his brain. The bard screams loudly.
"HELP! It's got my tail!" he cries out looking to the others, anyone really, for help. In a panic, the distressed bard manages to brace himself on the side of the fountain using his legs. He tugs back on the tail to avoid being pulled in immediately. It hurts so much. "Help, help, HELP!"
Edited: seath on 20th Sep, 2018 - 10:08pm
Lawrance, being already next to the distressed Bard, grabs his arm and starts trying to pull him away from the fountain. Tempted to send a shock along Perry's body and into the water, he restrains, unsure of who would be hurt more.
SA - Pulling with meager Strength.
EDIT: Alas, poor Perry, I knew him, Horatio. Yadda, yadda, infinite jest, yadda, yadda.
Edited: Gknightbc on 20th Sep, 2018 - 10:51pm
Poljen at first thinks the bard is once more being silly, until the shrieking gets worse. The big man dashes over and lends his strength as well.
Out of Character: : Not using Rage so no Advantage. If Athletics, it is +8, but he gets another +1 from his Cloak if it is a Save.
Tazskan, rushes over to help, using his athletics to assist the others retrieving Perry from the fountain.
Tazskan, Poljen, and Lawrance all work together to pull Perry back. A toothy maw follows, attached to a long rubbery neck. Whatever the thing it, it doesn't appear to have eyes or any other distinctive features. When pulled more than a foot or so out of the water, it lets go of Perry's now bloodied tail and sinks back within.
The surface of the fountain still shows nothing more than clear water and a white stone bottom.
Out of Character: Not one of you guys made the DC, sad, I considered having the whole train get dragged down, but quantity must count for something.
Taz, Poljen, Lawrance and Perry all fall down when the creature releases the dragonborn's tail. Once Poljen is sure they are all relatively unscathed, save for Perry's tail (And pride), he grins and says, "I have been waiting for your attitude about just opening doors and poking around willy-nilly to bite you on the behind. But I never expected it to do so literally! Ha!"
Perry sobs as he grasps his bloodied tail to his side. "Thanks guys… "He whimpers softly as he looks to Lawrence, Poljen, and Taz. His tone quickly changes from pain and sadness to anger, "What the HECK is going on in this STUPID place?!"
"This is the worst, I wanna go home. Stupid force barriers. Stupid evil fish monster thing," Perry complains, still holding the injured tail. "What even was that thing? It bit REALLY hard. Look what it did!"
He holds out his tail to show the damage.
Out of Character: Couple questions on the fountain. Does the water look bloody or did the illusion hide that too? Did any of us recognize what that thing was? Probably a nature or arcana check.
EDIT: (Laugh), Perry is a tiefling, not a dragonborn.
Edited: seath on 21st Sep, 2018 - 1:36am