Lia checks on Perry yet again." Perry, you must be more cautious in here. This is a death trap. Remember how a captive told how many of the cult army entered here and never returned? This maze is intended to keep unwelcome Intruders out. We are still in that category for now."
Mari paces around looking for anything that could point them in the right direction. She knows she must exercise supreme caution in here at all times." Well any ideas Lawrance? Trial and error maybe? Pick a path and go? "
“Well, since you leaving it up to me to choose, I choose the color yellow, both because Perry picked it and because it’s the color of the sun. Next color is blue for the sky, green for the grass, and then red for the heat of our worlds core. Unless new information presents itself to change that pattern, that’s my choice. “ with that, Lawrence takes a step on the yellow path, cringing slightly as he passes through the hedge rows.
"Dangerous fountain, you discovered Perry," he says getting back up again.
"So we are going with yellow then, lets see where that takes us,"? Tazskan adds, following swiftly after Lawrence.
"What could be worse than a fountain that harbors carnivorous creatures,?" He adds.
The yellow path winds on, as it twists, the stones fade to white, and then the path opens up into a clearing with four paths other than the entry, with crimson, amber, forest green, and turquoise stonework. A white stone fountain is at the center.
It all looks very, very familiar.
"Hmm, maybe we have to go down each path in the order the stones were arranged in?" Perry wonders out loud. "If that's the pattern, then it would be red path, green path, yellow path, then blue path."
He winces from time to time, still in pain from the tail mutilation.
Edited: seath on 21st Sep, 2018 - 11:27am
Mari shakes her head as she sees the same scene. "I really don't like this place. Hopefully we aren't trapped here forever. "
Lia looks in surprise at the scene." We will figure it out. It just takes time. There is nothing strong enough in here to really harm us. As long as we stay out of fountains of course." She grins at Perry." Sune will see us through. We have her blessing on our mission. She doesn't wish to see all the beauty destroyed in this world."
Mari nods at Perry's words." Let's try something. I want out of here "She begins walking cautiously down the red path.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Sep, 2018 - 1:56pm
Shrugging, Lawrance follows Mari, looking at the pathway for any marks or runes, in case there is a purpose to it being there. "Maybe it's a clockwise puzzle, that you have to keep choosing the clockwise path? I truly don't know until we have more data."