Almost as if it heard and was insulted, the thing in the fountain spits acid at Perry, it's a minor hit, but still hurts.
The group heads down the turquoise path. Soon the see a familiar fountain, with 1 circle at its base.
Out of Character: Perry takes 9 acid damage.
*Here's where we see if the pattern is continuous or variable. If we keep to the same pattern it'll next be the double circle. If it doesn't, it'll stay single, and then I'd vote we add one in the sequence.If we've discovered to solution, we may want to keep quiet about it, in case we are being observed.*.
Edited: Gknightbc on 21st Sep, 2018 - 5:48pm
I agree Lawrance, let's make our way back to the four circle fountain by going Red, Green, Yellow, and then try something other than Blue since that set us back to one. Let's see if it works first.
Out of Character: Daishain can we do Red, Green, Yellow while checking to make sure the previous pattern holds and make it back to four circles all in one post?