"Well, I guess it's time to go in then," Perry sighs as he dons his sword and shield then jumps into the fountain. He floats his way down and sees the snake creature things attacking Poljen. He points the white songblade in the direction of the rude creatures and uses his voice to create a resonant tone that the blade amplifies throughout the passage. Lights begin to dance around the creatures, illuminating them in a familiar turquoise. "That's right! I'm keeping your theme, Citizen Spits!"
Specific Action: Faerie Fire - DC18 Dexterity Save on as many snakes as I can, 20 foot cube. Hopefully Poljen gathered them in a nice bunch at the choke point. I'd like to avoid any allies if possible. Hopefully initiative is high to help with that.
Out of Character: Anyone who attacks the snakes lit up by Faerie Fire gets advantage on their attacks. How many of these suckers are there, Daishain?
Tazskan, seeing the others descend also does the same, floating down. Targeting the two nearest creatures or one, if applicable, that is illuminated by faerie fire.
Specific Action: He uses the wand of magic missiles. Casting, it through a 5th level slot, still two slots remaining, thanks to activating pact keeper earlier. Will roll initiative here, incase required. Two charges, left on wand, will stow away, after. Rolling damage, with advantage thanks to Perry's faerie fire.
Edited: anronrosby on 23rd Sep, 2018 - 4:54am
"Finally, it's about time I got some respect around here," Perry says as he sheathes his sword. "Obviously these creatures have realized the error of their ways after witnessing up-close the sheer might and ferocity of the legendary Peregrine Pennington."
The bard turns to Mari, "See apprentice, this is how it's done. Remember that violence is not the answer to every problem."
The bard clears his throat as he sees the murderous look in the young rogue's eyes, "Ahem, anyway, we shouldn't dilly-dally now. Chop chop! Onwards to the exit! It can't be too far now."
He struts triumphantly towards the exit.
Edited: seath on 23rd Sep, 2018 - 12:05pm
As he passes the lairs, Lawrence speculates “I knew that fighting wasn’t the answer. If The gnome uses this passage, he has to have a way of turning off its defenses. I wonder what Perry has, other than garrulousness, that tells the creatures to retreat? Maybe because he gave a blood sample? Well, we will see what the next puzzle holds. “.
Edited: Gknightbc on 23rd Sep, 2018 - 3:21pm
"Well, that didn't last long," Tazskan, says noting that the creatures retreated, as Perry entered.
He lands at the base, with the other's and proceeds to the exit that Poljen discovered previous.
Mari glares at Perry for a moment and then laughs." Apprentice.... I at least have the sense to not put body parts into a fountain to see if something will bite me." She grins at Perry as they walk towards the exit.
Lia studies the shaft curiously as she decides to fly a little above the ground towards the exit. No need to take a chance on a trap.