“The other is a Gynosphinx, and known to be an excellent guardian of lairs and places. Perry, do you have any ability to reverse the stone effect of a Medusa? Or perhaps you, Lia,might as well? I think it’d be a good idea to restore the Sphinx once we are through the door. As far as the Medusa goes, kill her if you want. She’s an evil creature that has no redeeming value. “
Out of Character: - I think we’ve been in the maze for far more than an hour. If you think it’s a good idea to spend the twenty minutes every hour to do so, we could renew the Telepathy regularly. Edited: Gknightbc on 24th Sep, 2018 - 2:22am
Mari look up at the figures with cautious eyes. She notices Poljen drinking the potion and knows that a serious battle could be just ahead. Mari sits down for a moment and begins to relax. She can feel some of her energy being restored. After a short time she regains her feet. Striding to the locked door she glances back." Just say the word and I'll pick this lock." When everyome has finished their preparations she will pick the lock.
Lia studies the huge figures with curiosity. Lost in her observations, Lawrence's query brings her out of it." Lawrence, I can heal this condition. It will take my most powerful healing but it can be done. I will have to be touching the Sphinx for it to work though. Do you think we should chance it?"
Specific Action: Mari uses second wind to regain some hit points. I'm also rolling to pick the lock. Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Sep, 2018 - 2:48am
"Lawrence, any idea why the Medusa is shrouded in blue like that? I have an idea but I'm not sure what's going on with that blue cloud. I was thinking that Lia could restore the Gynosphinx back to life while I get into position with this," Perry suggests as he pulls out his mirror. "I always keep this with me for potential hair emergencies, but if we can have her look into it as she comes out of whatever condition she's in, then she may end up dealing with herself."
Mari put in an excellent effort, but the lock remains stubborn. A closer look at the two figures shows that each carries what appears to be half of a key.
Lawrence suspects the medusa is caught up in something called quintessence, which slows or stops time within it's area. Time manipulation is a known ability of sphinxes, making her the probable source. However, if that is the case, the Sphinx is not likely entirely petrified.
Tazskan, takes note of both Perry's and Lawrences analysis with regards to the statues.
He looks, at both figures trying to gain insight from their facial expressions, and gestures, That also appear frozen in time. They, both may look aggressive, but he wants to acertain, any clues from the two halfs of the key.
"It may be the application of a temporal field spell, but if so that means it will expire at some point. I think our best bet would be to kill the medusa, if possible and free the sphinx after we are ready to leave, just in case it needs to fulfill it's imperative and ask us riddles to pass, or something. "
As Mari gets started on the lock, Lawrance sees if he has any relevant historical anecdotes on the subject.
SA :Help Action with +5 History roll for the lock picking.
"Yeah I don't think that lock is going to open like that. Perhaps it's magic."
Regarding the sphinx, Velon asks Perry and Lawrance "So do you think it can hear us right now?" "Perry, do you want to try to talk to it? Should I try to talk to it telepathically in case it can not create sound in it's current state?"
"Ah, what the hell… "Velon decided to just try it, and uses the Message cantrip, focusing on the sphinx. "Hello, are you able to respond to me? We are inclined to free you."
Out of Character: I'm going to go on the assumption that Lawrance shared "If that is the case, the Sphinx is not likely entirely petrified" with the group.
"So then we have to take the keys from each of these creatures. Anyone want to try doing so? Maybe we need to release one and deal with it? I wouldn't look forward to that little chore."
Out of Character: - you can assume that anything stated for Lawrance is shared in conversation. He's not one to keep quiet about things he knows.