The sphinx thinks about it for a bit, then nods, "Well reasoned, the key is yours." Removing her half of the key she holds it out for Lawrence to take.
"I have one riddle remaining, if you are willing, and answer correctly, I am authorized to answer questions about this place. Interested?"
"You have 12 visually identical platinum coins. One of them is a fake, and weighs slightly different than the others. Before you is a scale, but you may make use of it only three times. How would you go about identifying the fake?"
Out of Character: to be clear, we're speaking of an old fashioned balance scale, you can only compare weights with it rather than directly measure them. Edited: daishain on 25th Sep, 2018 - 10:40pm
Lia listens quietly as Lawrance solves riddle after riddle. She stands back and watches him try to solve the last one. Lia looks down and mouths a silent prayer to Sune. She reaches up and checks to make sure that her raven locks aren't out of place. Looking to Velon she then winks. Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Sep, 2018 - 12:17am
Velon has a confused look on his face with regard to the second riddle and keeps contorting his face in different ways as he ponders it. "I'll never get this" he thinks to himself. Then Lawrance speaks and Velon starts following along "Uh huh, ok, that makes sense, yup." Then Lawrance finishes up and Velon thinks to himself "But, but, none of the ways he describe would allow this 'joker' to be guardian 'C'! Oh no, Lawrance…! "It is too late, however, the sphynx has accepted this as the answer and is pondering it. Then the sphynx accepts the answer as correct and Velon thinks "What? That doesn't make.. Oh, what in the nine hells do I know". Finally he verbalizes "Well done, Lawrance!" "Mark one down for the value of wizards after all!"
Velon then eagerly listens to the next riddle, now intrigued by this type of thinking despite that he has little practice with it. He ponders "Hm, 12 coins, three tries." "Piles of six? Piles of 3? Piles of 4?" Thinking for another minute he continues "I think if he had said the false coin was definitely heavier or definitely lighter I could do this one, but we aren't sure, hm." Another minute and Velon concludes in his mind "Nope, I don't think I could do this in less than four uses of the scale. I hope the wizard proves himself smarter once again!" Edited: Cinder on 26th Sep, 2018 - 3:06am
Lawrance spends an usual amount of time on this riddle, with Perrys and others help in making sure it all works out, then he rises and starts to provide his solution. WIth liberal use of cantrip illusions, he conjures coins and scales and begins working through the math. "If you split the coins into stacks of four, you can then weigh two of these stacks. If they are balanced, the last stack contains the bad coin. You take the last stack, split it into two, and weigh two of those against two good coins. If they balance, the bad coins are in the unweighed two. You then take one of those two and weigh it against a known good coin. If it balances, the bad coin is the last. If it doesn't, it's the one you just weighed. If the second weighing doesn't balance, take the known bad coin side and balance one of those against a good coin. If THAT balances, then the bad coin is the other. "
Taking a deep breath, he gets into the more involved possibility "If the first weighing doesn't balance, then the bad coin is one of the eight. Take out two and put them aside. From the lighter side, we'll number the coins 1234, and the heavier side we'll letter them abcd. Take 3 & 4 and put them aside, then put 1 with ab 2 with cd. If they balance, the bad coins are in the two put aside. As before, weigh one against a known good coin, with the same logic.
If the two mixed piles of three don't balance and the same side as before is still lighter, then the bad coin is either the 2 heavier coins cd, or it's a light number 1. If it reverses which side is light, then the bad coin is a heavy ab or a light 2. Take whichever pair was heavy and weigh one against the other. If it doesn't balance, the heavy side is the bad coin. If it does, it's the single light coin." Edited: Gknightbc on 26th Sep, 2018 - 6:37pm