Out of Character: Cratol was healed for 15 by Lia and then he healed himself for 30 so he now has 45 HP and 1 level of exhaustion.
In Game: After being healed by Lia and healing himself Cratol will move back to melee with CW moving to N5 where he will make a full attack on him.
Dice rolls for attack with advantage: 1, 12, 9, 18, 15, 5, 17 and 8 So the dice with the +10 would be a 22, 28, 25, 27
Damage rolls were 6, 5, 1 and 1 so adding the +6 makes the damage 12, 11, 7 and 7 Plus being close to him with the silent stone keeps him from saying anything. Edited: KNtoran on 6th Nov, 2018 - 2:26pm
Perry sheathes his sword and turns to look at Lia as she blasts the cleric down. "Well done, my dear! That was just wonderful.The rest of the group needs our help now. Let's go!"
Perry hastily runs towards the group, but is promptly met with a force wall. "Ow." He turns and whimpers to Lia. Edited: seath on 6th Nov, 2018 - 3:15pm
Morgaine seeing that the Dragon Warrior and the group have moved so she too moves closer.
As she does so, she will put away her bow and grab the scimitar and ready it for combat.
Out of Character: Moving to M6 and ready for Melee with the closest enemy.
Velon ceases his taunting of Cyanwrath as the wizard is killed, this becoming increasingly grave now. Any thoughts on the matter are quickly forgotten though as a giant T-rex does what Velon and the rest have been unable to do, completely wrecking the commander. As she picks him up in her jaws Velon instinctively cheers "Holy [crap], YESSSSSSS!" At that he keeps swinging away, attacking the dangling legs of the half dragon commander.
Out of Character:
Velon doing his best Thor impression on this one.
AC = 26
Haste remaining after this round: 0
C.D. Remaining after this round: 1
Attack 1
Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 28. (13, 15)
Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 17. (2, 15)
Damage: Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 15. (2, 13)
Crystal Damage: Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 6.
Attack 2
Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 18. (3, 15)
Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 17. (2, 15)
Damage: Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 20. (7, 13)
Crystal Damage: Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 5.
Attack 3
Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 22. (7, 15)
Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 23. (8, 15)
Damage: Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 17. (4, 13)
Crystal Damage: Replying to: Cinder (Velon) rolled 5.
Tazskan, moves closer to Cyanwrath and unleashes two eldritch blasts aimed at him.
Specific Action: Tazskan will move to O8, to fire between Poljen and SW. Then unleash two agonizing eldritch blasts.
Attack eldritch blast 1st roll 21 (11,10)
Attack eldritch blast 2nd roll 15 (5,10)
Damage two rolls roll is 14 (6+8).
Lia unleashes a spell that slams the hapless cleric into the wall produced by her force cube, something crunches, and the man slowly slumps to the ground.
Elsewhere, Mari succeeds in snatching the commander up in her jaws, chomping down on the half dragon. The rest of the group gather around and attack en masse, beating on his lower body and legs.
Autumn is ready to fire another shot, but doesn't have a clear shot for the ballista bolt. One of Spring's spider swarms reaches the area to help, but can't reach Cyanwrath's dangling feet.
A muffled shout can be heard inside the dino, and suddenly a burst of sound and energy surges out, threatening to fling everyone around away, and burning those it contacts with a foul corruption. Autumn falls to the ground as her ballista contraption is flung back in a broken heap, and the spider swarms are utterly crushed. The gnomes' head is flung away to roll several dozen paces along the ground.
Out of Character: All creatures within 30' of Cyanwrath, which is everyone other than Lia and Perry, need to make a DC 18 Constitution save. On a failure, they take 23 thunder damage, 20 necrotic damage, and is knocked prone. On a success, you take half damage, and are not knocked down. If Marisaurus fails her Con save, I'll give her an additional Dexterity save to maintain her grip on CW.
Velon raises his shield and is able to stand his ground as Cyanwrath unleashes his blast of energy, but still staggers back half of a step and looks weary. "Oh boy, I hate this part. I don't feel so good." At that he doubles over a bit and vomits on the ground, the haft of his hammer propping him up like a cane. "I know I make it look good, but…" He vomits a bit more. "... But even the power of Bahamut isn't always pretty." He groans a bit more and wipes his mouth on his gauntlet, trying to recover, before doubling over again. The paladin adds one last, pained "Oh gods… "Before standing straight again and getting ready to at least defend himself.
Out of Character:
Haste can be a nasty thing when the fight lasts too long.
When the spell ends, the target can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it. Edited: Cinder on 7th Nov, 2018 - 10:22pm
Staggering back a bit from the wave of dark energy, Lawrance struggles to remain upright. Gathering himself, he moves a bit further back, trails of necrotic energy bubbling over his exposed skin as his life force sizzles. *Time to fly, Gamliel. Do what you can against this foe!* and casts one of his remaining spells.
Specific Action: Hold Person, and the familiar will fly at full speed into the area, hold off just outside the 30' at the end of turn. Edited: Gknightbc on 7th Nov, 2018 - 11:25pm