Poljen feels himself knocked backwards by the magic Cyanwrath unleashes, but only a step. As exhausted as he is, he is pleasantly surprised that he doesn't fall down. He steps forward to once more attack the cursed half-dragon.
"You will need to do better than that to defeat the Silver Blaze, fiend!"
Cratol not expecting the blast is hit full force and knocked prone. He staggers to his feet out of melee range as he looks about. He will look around to see how many are still around the Blue commander.
43 damage ouch. Oh Susan do not add electrical damage when fighting CW he is immune to it. I rolled a 2 +1 is 3 which was a failure.
Morgaine not thinking that the Dragon Warrior could do much being in the mouth of Marisaurus. Didn't expect for the blast that came from him. She ends up stepping backwards, but stays upright in the process.
Out of Character: Thanks KN for the info, I hadn't even thought about that part of it. I may just switch to her longsword to fight him.
Tazskan, suddenly feels like his feet are knocked out from underneath him.
He falls, to the floor, hearing a defening wave of thunder. He feels his life ebbing away from him.
Severely winded, he is knocked prone, but still alive and breathing.
Out of Character: Tazskan has now a total of 6 hit points remaining.
The Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth us suddenly on fire. Agony shoots through her jaws. The force of it knocks her backwards. She staggers for a minute then collapses. The ground shakes as she does so. Cyanwrath manages to wriggle out of the stunned dinosaur's mouth. She then snaps at him, trying to grip him in her mouth again.
Lia shakes her head at Perry and hides a smile. Moving the cube to a new face, the barrier disappears." Now we can go Perry. One down, one to go. It looks like we will have to do all the work here." Laughing, she moves a little closer to the scene. She then gestures and calls to Sune yet again. White light forms around her and then streaks to her friends healing them.
Specific Action: MariSaurus failed the con and Dexterity saves. I assume she falls over as well. If not, please ignore that bit. She uses her action to remove the force barrier.
Lia moves up to O9 and uses her bonus action to cast Mass healing word at level 4. Mari, Poljen and Taz get the max healing of 18 hit points again. Velon, Cratol and Lawrance will receive 13 hitpoints each. MariSaurus is down to 108 hitpoints with the damage and healing.
MariSaurus con save:! Roll D20 +4 Replying to: Kyrroeth rolled 17. (13, 4)
MariSaurus Dexterity save:! Roll D20. Replying to: Kyrroeth rolled 6.
MariSaurus bite attack:! Roll D20+10. Replying to: Kyrroeth rolled 16. (6, 10)
MariSaurus bite damage:! Roll 4D12
Replying to: Kyrroeth rolled 19. (5 + 3 + 9 + 2 = 19)+7 =26
Lia healing word:! Roll 2D4. Replying to: Kyrroeth rolled 3. (1 + 2 = 3) 3+10=13. Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th Nov, 2018 - 3:58pm
Perry laughs at Lia's comment and replies, "Indeed we do." He looks briefly to the dead cleric, "Looks like his luck finally ran out. Well done, we make a great team." After she lets down the force barrier, Perry flies up into the air and proclaims loudly, "Everyone, the cleric is down! Now is the time to finish him!"
He slashes his sword through the air twice, each one releasing a crackling purple beam of energy. The two beams form an X pattern as they aim directly for Cyanwrath.
Specific Action: Bonus Action to use mantle on Velon, Cratol, Poljen, and Lawrance again. Movement to fly up 10 feet and back 20 to T10. Action for more of that sweet Eldritch Blast action with Hexblade flavor.
Out of Character: You all know the drill, 8 temp HP, advantage on a save, reaction movement if you want, etc. Hexblade's Curse is still in effect for a couple more rounds.
Tazskan, feels healing power surge through his body.
“Ahh, that has to be the power of Sune,” he says as he rises to his feet again.
He, turns and positions himself to face Cyanwrath. Stretches forth his hand, while one clasps his pact keeper.
Unleashing two Eldritch beams of energy towards him.
Tazskan eb attack 1# rolled 30(20, 10)
Eb attack #2 rolled 17(7, 10)
Damage #1 14(10, 4)
Damage #2 10(6, 4).
Lia steps up, working to undue some of the damage caused.
Mari does not manage to catch Cyanwrath this time, he was ready, and ducked to the side of the massive jaws. Lawrance's spell once more fails to take hold. Others pile in, striking at the incredibly tough half dragon from all sides. Autumn retreats while firing with a bow.
When everyone is done, the commander is still standing, but visibly flagging. His voice shows no hint of it however, "Have you not yet learned your lesson!? I am a true scion of Queen Tiamat!" He raises his weapon and barks out a word of power. Once more a pulse of energy rushes forth, battering all in its wake.
Out of Character: Yep, he had another one of those on hand. 16 thunder damage and 25 necrotic. DC 18 for half damage and not going prone as before. All party characters save for Lawrance, Perry, and Gamliel affected. Edited: daishain on 9th Nov, 2018 - 1:18am