Whatever doors were once here are long gone, leaving only small bits of old wood clinging to rusty hinges. Cratol can see within easily enough.
The smell seems to be coming from the left hand side. Through there is a large room with multiple tables and cabinets. Judging from the few intact bits of glassware, it looks like this space once served as an alchemist's lab, and possibly a few other things. Built up into the corner is a massive multilayered rat nest. It is mostly composed of wood pieces and huge quantities of paper scraps.
Rats scurry everywhere, and there are a lot of creepy eyes returning Cratol's gaze.
A similarly sized room is on the right hand side. This one appears to have been a library. A halfling skeleton is sitting in what was once a chair. On a far corner is a hole in the wall. Before it lies the remnants of a bookcase that would have concealed that exit's presence were it still in place.
Lia eyes the open doorways cautiously. Speaking softly " Careful Cratol. Something hideous is down here with us. You check the left side and I'll check the right. " The elven cleric walks to the right hand side doorway and peers into what is beyond. She has her sword and shield at the ready.
Out of Character: : KN, there are no doors. Cratol can just look right in.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Mar, 2017 - 10:00pm
Lia glances at Poljen. " I would hold off on it still. Someone has a torch lit at the back if you are scared of the dark, barbarian. " She laughs. " Lets go Cratol. " She walks over to the hole in the wall carefully. Lia will peer into the hole to examine what is past it before stepping through.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Mar, 2017 - 10:50pm
Stepping carefully over the mess in the library, Lia makes her way to the hole in the wall. Beyond is another passage, smaller than the last. It goes a short distance before opening up into what looks like a natural cave from here. The cleric can see dim light down that way.
Lia looks back at the group. She tells them quietly what she sees. " Don't worry Poljen. You will have light to see by soon. Are you ready Cratol?" When he signifies he is ready she steps through the hole quietly. Once through the hole she will step forward to allow the others to come through as well. When everyone is through she will walk quietly ahead towards the cave. She will look all around them including the ceiling. Lia will try to see if she can see the source of the lighting. Her shield and sword are still in position.