Looks like we have a serious applicant. Welcome Gknightbc. Your timing's pretty good, the current chapter is about to close.
Go ahead and bump yourself up to level 7.
You will start with an equipment budget of 2,500 gp, which you can use to tack stuff onto your starting gear. That could easy nab you a rare and an uncommon magic item, or several uncommons.
Bear in mind before you commit to this, the pace is a little fast compared to some Play By Post games, I try to make a major update around once per 24 hours.
I'm happy to be considered for an added player in your campaign! If my char. Has been put into edit mode, I'll go through it and add the level up and go shopping for some fun stuff. I'm on the computer regularly - usually 8 plus hours for work and home use, so once a day post is fine by me. I do ask that you don't start my wiz until after Monday, however, as I am taking a five day vacay at a lake and don't want to use a computer during that time.
Oh, and as a P.S. - am I able to buy spells for my spellbook within this budget, as well? Is there a limit on availability for such things? I'd also consider buying a second spellbook for backup, depending on my spending on other things.
Lastly, I intend to pick up all the ritual spells available at my level and inscribe them, so I can have a full arsenal of magical stuff to do. Edited: Gknightbc on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 6:21pm
That works out fine, the group is in the midst of clearing a large fort in the middle of a place few sane persons would willingly go. It will likely be next week before a rendezvous is reasonable anyways. If you'd been ready to go right off, I could've come up with a few things for you to do in the meantime, but it seems we can skip that.
Yes, you can spend that money on spells. Let's call it 25 gp per spell level in addition to the scribing material costs. So a level 1 spell would be 75 gp, level 2 150, etc.
From a metagaming perspective, there is another wizard in the party. I won't object too much if you coordinated to a reasonable degree so as to avoid stepping on toes and bring unique stuff to the table. Edited: daishain on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 6:29pm
No worries, I'll just have to throw a bunch more magic resistant stuff at the party to compensate.
Now where did I stick those notes for the magic and magic user eating beetle swarms…. Edited: daishain on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 6:33pm