What is Tazskans, armor class without any armor or clothes on? Assuming that he naturally has reptilian looking (Bronze colored) skin and fine scales??
Hello Daishain,
I am interested in joining the game you are running. Looking at the current roster of characters you have listed at the top of this forum, I think I would like to play a lore bard with a dip into light cleric. Before I fill out my character sheet I would like to clarify a few things for myself.
First of all I am new to play by post but have been playing Dungeons & Dragons on and off for over 20 years. The character I am designing will have multiple reactions available and I am concerned about slowing down play excessively with them. Being new to the format of play I am unsure of the etiquette.
Also I was wanting to know since I am planning on taking a level in Light Cleric, if there is any particular deity that would fit in well with this campaign.
Greetings Kingowlbear,
Generally speaking, for reaction based abilities, I prefer to handle is via conditionals. Make a few If/then statements, and stick by them. For instance: "I will cast Shield if the Giant is about to hit me with his axe, but won't waste it on attacks from the minions."
With a little forethought in that regard, that way I can spend those resources on your behalf, with guidance on your wishes, and without stopping things up to ask you a question mid combat. Of course, the catch is I will sooner or later make a decision you wouldn't have in that regard.
Does this seem fair?
In regards to deities, the setting is Faerun, also known as the Forgotten Realms. Information on the entire pantheon local to this world is available online, but the two gods most associated with the Light domain would be Helm and Lathander.
Helm, known as the Vigilant One, is a Lawful Neutral deity devoted to guardianship and protection. He may not be the best match for the flavor of a Bard. The Morninglord, Lathander, is a Neutral Good deity of life, light, and birth. He would be a good match for both a bard and the campaign in general.
I should note, there are impending changes to our roster that could have a notable impact in what to expect. Kyrroeth intends to bring back her Life Cleric at the end of the current story arc, and Thomaslee has a Light Cleric of Lathander that he likewise intends to bring back at some point. His timeline for doing so is much less clear.
I think handling reactions that way makes a lot of sense for the format and is fair.
Thank you for letting me know about the upcoming roster change, I'm sure it will influence my spell selections.
I will want to do a little more reading about the setting before posting a character background, but I am excited to start playing and should have something ready in the next couple of days. Edited: Kingowlbear on 26th Nov, 2017 - 1:16pm
Its coming along. I had some time this morning to make some progress. Feel free to take a look and tell me what you think. I plan on adding more this evening, and possibly some in the morning before going to work. Edited: Kingowlbear on 28th Nov, 2017 - 10:36pm
Welcome Kingowlbear, to Daishains 5e Dungeons & Dragons. I'm also fairly new to the play by post Role-playing Game myself. Although Dungeons & Dragons is familiar, to me.