That sounds good Falrun. Lia wonders about some things that the three Harper agents do but isn't overly concerned about it. They seem like good people and it's minor things she has noticed. Her role is to be a healer for the party. She would definitely help make the party seem like a normal adventurung party. She believes in fighting evil. Lia strives to bring more love and beauty into the world. She tries to increase that wherever she goes and still hopes desperately to find her son. Any member of the group that is very handsome and well groomed she will be very favorable to. The ones that aren't she might give out grooming and fashion tips from time to time *smile*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Dec, 2016 - 8:21pm
Targul, I must agree that's at the very least a very good start to what our partys' history could be together. Though I will probably add to your idea bit when it when it comes to considering my character.
Kyrroeth, sounds like she and Geoffory could get along well. As a noble and cleric of Lathander with a fairly high charisma his appearance and grooming would be important. On whether or not he is handsome, I will leave that for others to decide on… Though I would hope he appears as least somewhat handsome to many. Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Dec, 2016 - 8:39pm
@Verineth, Feel free to sign up and pop in, still space left for the moment.
@everyone, I've decided to set a hard cap of ten players for the beginning portion of this campaign. That means with Aericsteele and Kyrroeth joining in, we have one seat left open. Which Verineth may very well be taking shortly.
The former two have volunteered to stay out on the waiting list in favor of new players, so that means we technically have an additional two slots to work with if anyone else shows up. But for now at least they're with us.
I'm also setting a cut off date at the 24th. At that point, Aeric and Kyr are safe, anyone arriving after then is going on the waiting list in their stead.
With Falrun's post just now, I would like to repeat that you guys don't all have to be Harper agents or work directly for the same. You can be if you wish, but it is not required. Otherwise though, good suggested start for getting people together.
I'll be doing another big update tonight, most of you should be approved and able to freely make edits after that. Thank you all for your patience. Edited: daishain on 21st Dec, 2016 - 8:38pm
Targul, I can get on board with that backstory for the group, though there might be some hiccups between Zunadae and Sarai.
Sarai - there might be some hiccups, but I think it can work out. Zunadae would normally have a kill-on-sight attitude to a dark elf, so I imagine they would have been brought together in abnormal circumstances. So there's somebody that they each know who put them together for a job. I don't have strong feelings about Zunadae being a harper or not, so long as his duties for the harpers don't interfere with his duties as a wood elf spy (I need a name for that organization) so if Sarai is also a harper, I think we can start with the classic "I hate everything that you represent but I'll do this one job," that gradually leads to grudging respect and eventually friendship. If you can see Sarai developing that kind of relationship with Zunadae, that's probably the easiest way to put them together. And it can all be in the backstory, so we start off as friends.
Well, you raise a good point that maybe I should consider a little further that I might be able to "Fix", given her prowess with disguises and illusions to change her outward appearance.
Daishain, I know this is technically Forgotten Realms and the sword coast and know a little about the history of how drow are seen, but given this is your interpretation on that setting, how would the populace as a whole treat a half-drow or even full drow who doesn't "Appear" to be an obvious threat? This could change how Sar'ai would look completely if it is a matter of intense persecution. Though I'm not worried that much given all her capabilities *smile*.
So it may be a matter that she doesn't appear to be drow at all. Again, she's all about "Blending in". Edited: Brandonfett on 21st Dec, 2016 - 8:56pm
Brandonfett, when it comes to the Forgotten Realms, one thing I've always considered is the fact that unlike other settings this one happens to have a Good aligned drow diety. This I feel is important. That, and there is also a certain (Im)famous duel scimitar wielding drow ranger/barbarian to consider.
Essentially, while most as a while would see drow as generally dangerous or evil I do feel many would at least be able to consider a drow or half drow going against the norms of their kin and be an ally of good or at least neutral alignment. Honestly, I'd encourage you to ahead with you character but the consideration could be given that she'd still face at least some discrimination… But I'm not the Dungeon Master.
To add to this, while he may have first been a little uncertain and weary of Sarai, since they have travelled together and have time to grow to trust each or for the half drow to prove herself, Geoffory would show himself to be a firm and devote friend willing to defend the her from persecution and discrimination. Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Dec, 2016 - 10:46pm
It is also worth considering where we are in the Sword Coast. A huge city like Waterdeep would likely be much more diverse than a backwater like Phandalin. Just like the real world, a few hundred miles can make a huge difference in how things are perceived.
If a character in our group has a particular problem with Dark Elves, perhaps such differences can be set aside in the interest of a common goal or enemy. Maybe the Harpers brokered such an alliance for a specific mission (Just spit-balling here). Being that you are "Half" drow, I do like the idea of concealing your identity in some ways when faced with unfriendly settings.