Can you post an update for rounds one through four? I remember you saying that. I think we still need to hear from two more before we definitely go down this road. Also, I think we should know how much damage we caused over round one through four before we finalize our plan.
One thing, if the damage done appears to be enough that we seriously hurt it we may not want to enter negotiations. We may be close enough that we can actually kill it. And if we're on ground level along with all the militia, the dragon probably wouldn't target just us. That said, if we hurt the thing it may just be willing to enter negotiations on somewhat favorable terms. But I think we'd be conceding the townsfolk.
What a quandary!
Yes Ninja, I don't know how to handle this. If we shoot him and stop at the last second I doubt he will stop to talk. With this format it is hard to get quick responses and consensus. I guess we just play out the first four rounds and go from there. Maybe we get lucky and seriously hurt him. I know this is player knowledge and not character knowledge but I have a monster manual and an adult blue dragon has an insane amount of hit points. I'll leave it at that.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Apr, 2017 - 3:11am
How about we roll it this way: We get the rounds of ranged attack in as it gets closer, then Lia can say that we have now demonstrated we can cause that creature serious damage, though we obviously would not be able to kill it. If it wishes to avoid all that pain, maybe we can reach some sort of arrangement.