Daishain, how many rounds of bless would be left? It had been in effect for three rounds or so before the talking began. I'm not sure how long the talking lasted round wise.
I have another question as well. I'm thinking of using the second level spell aid. Would increasing current hitpoints count as healing and would she get to her add her disciple of life bonus to the hitpoints added as she does for other healing spells?
Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Apr, 2017 - 7:12pm
I edited Fay's post on the main thread. He has a bit more to say. Here is his persuasion roll to enrage the beastie.
EDIT Well, hopefully with the natural 20 on the attack roll this will be enough to enrage the Dragon beyond all reason. That is how mistakes are made.
Edited: Abnninja on 9th Apr, 2017 - 8:14pm
In response to Kyr's query.
-Bless is done with, its been well over a minute
-The way Aid is phrased, it sounds like the HP gained is gone when the spell ends. That would put it in the category of temporary HP rather than true healing.
I hope Poljen and Targul survive. I will feel responsible if they don't make it. :(Hopefully Fay enraged the dragon enough to fly down after us. I don't know how long a couple of people can last with an enemy like this.
I thought about this yesterday. I'm glad no one played a dragon born character, especially one of blue dragon lineage. They would definitely be the least trusted person in Greenest.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 10th Apr, 2017 - 12:00am
I will see to Geoffroy drawing the dragons attention at least in part. Since the blue dragon's element is electricity, perhaps it can be harmed somewhat by fire. He still has his spells, so I should try putting them to use if I can.