Yeah she will not be able to reach us directly but she will be wanting to take revenge on this town. We just made it a bigger target in her relam of things to smash. But we have more important stuff to deal with right now and that is the army that is in the town. Granted we just took out a very big part of them and they maybe rethinking their evil plan but I do not think it is going to stop them. Cyanwath needs to die next.
Agreed. There is an old proverb that goes, "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." Well, if we take out their head lion they may well turn into sheep… especially after we just killed their Dragon. If this blow isn't enough to break them two blows may be.
If Tiamat even cares about Lennithon. Tiamat may think that if could be killed he was weak and we have done her a favor. I have no idea how loyal she feels to underlings. But it is safer to assume she won't be pleased, I guess.
Now we see what effect this has on the army besieging us. Maybe they flee, maybe they attack, maybe they continue to loot and round up prisoners.
Okay, I take it Tallis' plan is going over fairly well. If people wish to tweak it, add details, or propose something different, by all means chime in. I suggested it as a starting point, not the thing that thou shalt do.
If you do go with it, you guys will have time for a short rest, and It will be nearing late evening when you head out again.
Oh, right, meant to mention this before.
For Poljen. Last time, I went ahead and let you direct the bird mid flight, it was neat, and thematic, and scouting the enemy outside of town would've been awkward as heck otherwise.
But I think I'm going to back off on that and stick to the rules in this case. Once they leave vocal range your avian helper won't be able to hear you, so give instructions accordingly.
Edited: daishain on 14th Apr, 2017 - 1:05am