Geoffroy and Tall is should be with you too (And maybe elyria), but yeah, bum rushing the camp is not the best idea.
In any case, only about a score are headed for the disturbance. They're among the more alert down there, but their movement has not opened a gap large enough for you guys to slip in. Edited: daishain on 19th May, 2017 - 5:16pm
Okay, just read the update as to the overall strategy from Lia and Fay: check the cliff last. Got it.
In any case, Nyzahr will be on the look-out for any good occasion to get closer to that cave where the prisoners are held… not sure if she'll be reckless enough to do it without the others, though.
And Daishain, also read your comment on the major Image spell, about what I figured: not very discreet using a huge beastie to camouflage a huge barbarian, true that.
Still, could prove handy to divert attention if we need to leave in a hurry…
Wonder what that thing in the south could be… the allied army arriving, already ?
We'll see shortly. Edited: AshDrunbar on 19th May, 2017 - 5:31pm
You can hear/see the commotion, but no, you are not hearing that detail. You do have eyes on your companions, and so know the disturbance is not currently centered on them. The commotion seems to be near the opposite wall of the canyon, heading over there would likely give you a better view of what is going on. That is of course if you consider it more important than watching the escape route.
Yes indeed. We don't know much, including the fact that our comrades heard that the group would be leaving in a day. I don't think the clifftop group has much to go on right now.
Quite curious about who killed people on the far side of camp. Cratol, you had taken a walk… have you been secretly murdering the enemy again? .
Best place to hide near the hidden entrance would appear to be one of the wagons. It's low enough that you could be hidden underneath, and mostly empty, so you could climb inside as well. Neither option would be easy to get out of if you need to move in a hurry.
Alternatively, there's a four man tent nearby that seems to be empty. Getting out of that fast would be easy enough, but it seems likely that someone will enter soon enough.
Fay, go ahead and give me deception, perception and stealth rolls. That goes for you too Nyzahr if you're on board with this.