Daishain, I'm realize I don't fully understand how a character identifies the magical properties of an item, short of something like the Identify spell. If a character picks up a +1 weapon not (Not requiring attunement as you confirmed) can he just somehow 'feel' that he's a bit more powerful with it? If an item such as the mace is known to be magical but does not have that feel should the character, unless not at all knowledgeable, try attuning to it and then they will 'feel' its properties? If he picks up two different weapons, a +1 and +2, can he feel the different? Curious how you advise properly playing that out in character and where a character's lack of knowledge of such things could limit their ability to use an item. Thanks!
Unless someone else wants it then I'll take the bow. I think Lia is the only one that shoots a bow besides Poljen and he is usually too busy killing people with his sword. If you don't want this bow Paul and Lia gets it she will give Poljen her masterwork bow if he would want it. If someone wants it please speak up.
Am I the only one that hopes we come across a dragon egg? If not here maybe later on our journeys. I wouldn't mind having a blue dragon adventuring with us in a few years *wink*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st May, 2017 - 5:07pm
I'll cross my fingers for Lia's dragon egg too!
So much is going on so fast here, did we leave anything else valuable behind? I was just thinking of the disc that a doctor could use to look inside the body, but checked back and it appears Onwen has it so we should be good there.
There is a difference in feel between a +x weapon and a mundane one, but it is relatively subtle especially with a simple +1. Having handled such before, Velon could probably recognize the difference, though he would need to practice with the weapon to be sure.
Since he has detect magic up, Velon could also spend a few minutes studying them with an arcana check to identify properties. If that does not go well, Onwen can cast identify, and is good at arcana checks to boot.
Even in a days time, so much goes on. I am just glad I decided Geoffroy stay with the prisoners, as I suspected that would allow me to step away as I spent a day at the the Workforce Services.
Still, I will check through everything I missed and then form a reply. Hopefully the prisoners, Goeffroy, and his sister were not attacked, ambushed, or anything like that. If not, this essentially allowed me to have my cleric fade out of focus until I could make another post for him and his sister.
Edited: Thomaslee on 31st May, 2017 - 6:31pm
That does work out well Thomaslee. I think you're good as I don't recall any messages about trouble with the prisoners. Hopefully we can resolve all things in the cave, big and small, and get them on the move!
Daishain, thank you. Can we resolve some experimentation with the stone here to spare the main thread some back and forth? Velon wants to be able to take it with him, but does not want to be silenced for a long time until they are away from this cave. Since putting it down seemed to work, he'd try things like putting it inside a bag or container of some sort. He's hoping that it is not always active as it didn't seem to affect him when the desk was fist opened, only after it was picked up.