Hey everyone
If you all read my last post, you'll probably realize I posted it as I thought we were still in the room with the mirror (Bad page refresh, etc).
Seems like the group has left that behind and is intent on killing drakes now…
Still, the idea still stands and if Onwen can operate the mirror, Nyzahr will get out there and proceed with her plan, if at all feasible.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 1st Jun, 2017 - 12:18am
In response to your query. Nyzahr, it takes more than one casting to cut you off from any particular spell. Disguise Self is a 1st level spell, if you don't cast anything else that day, you could potentially use it nine times in a row. Of course, that would likely be a waste, using 2nd and 3rd level spell slots on a spell that doesn't upgrade doing so, but still.
Onwen's going along with the party for now, roll arcana to see if Nyzahr can figure it out. Nyzahr never saw the guy Cyanwrath was arguing with, nor does she have any hints as to his name, copying Cyanwrath's appearance could be doable however.
Mmh, very different rules for magic as to what I recall from earlier versions. This 5e is full of surprises… I'll take note of that, thanks for explaining !
Here is the arcana roll you asked.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 1st Jun, 2017 - 12:23am
Aye, pay attention to the spell descriptions. Many spells expand their utility in some way if you use a higher level spell slot on the things. Sleep for instance adds hit dice to the HP it can effect, hold person adds to the number of creatures it can target, etc.
Edit: wow, yeah, critical success. Yup, Nyzahr's got this.
Edited: daishain on 1st Jun, 2017 - 12:56am
You guys went to E first where you rescued the prisoners, F second, where you secured the barracks and the personal quarters, and are currently sitting in C. Onwen and Nyzahr poked around D on their own. No one, not even Fay on his scouting run, has seen A or B. Does that help?
Edited: daishain on 1st Jun, 2017 - 1:56am