If Velon could not attack last turn, could he have moved a bit further instead? It's tough when you are taking your turn but don't know how far you are from the target to start the round, or if the target moves during the initiative order before you during the round.
If Velon chooses the lit path in the fork, how far is he from Poljen's sword and Poljen to start his turn? How about after moving 30ft?
Thanks for the answer on [Critical Hit] Daishain, I didn't really think everything would have double dice. No big loss on that [Critical Hit] roll as it would have been one of the sadder [Critical Hit] attacks of all time, with several 1's on those D8's!! (Laugh).
Lia has just entered the tunnel, it bends right ahead of her, and then forks. Poljen and the Stalker are on the left fork.
Lia is not in position to heal Poljen at present, and Fay is not in position to use Dissonant whispers. Both will have to dash to get there in one round. Velon is a little ahead of them at present, and can get to the intersection with his action available.
Cratol's spare sword is still in the scabbard. Freeing an arm to get to it will still take an athletics check, but the DC for just that is lower.
Even if he cannot do it in the first turn, and has to wait a couple just to get the Stalker in sight and range, I simply had Geoffroy go in for the attack so as to give his companions a chance to gather their breath and regroup.
At the very, much like the song in To Boldly Flee by TGWTG/Channel Awesome, I can have him be "I'm a Distraction!" with Geoffroy drawing its attention towards him and way from everyone else.
Edited: Thomaslee on 5th Jun, 2017 - 6:08pm
Already had Velon move a bit further last round in lieu of the attack. Figured that choice was obvious enough. At the start of V's next turn, after moving 20', he'll be in sight of Poljen and the fallen sword, as well as the Stalker, which Poljen is currently yelling about lying in wait. But he won't be able to actually get to Poljen&sword without dashing.
Geoffroy is not in position to engage anything at present I'm afraid. To intervene, he'll first need to scale the wall, which will take an athletics check.
For Nyzahr, Onwen is just guiding some dancing lights for the others, you won't break his concentration.
Signs, okay I will make that athletics check here. Thankfully with the rebuild I have Athletics as a proficiency, so I should have a better chance at pulling off such a climb.
Edited: Thomaslee on 5th Jun, 2017 - 7:00pm