Cinder, I forgot to mention this before. There is a rare magic item called instant fortress. For 2500 gold pieces we could have a ready to go fortress if needed. You had mentioned something before about keeping one in those gloves.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 30th Jun, 2017 - 4:29am
By the way, Poljen now has no disadvantage to Perception due to dim light, and can see a mile as if it were a mere 100 feet, thanks to his animal totem. He still keeps the spyglass and torch stone, but will always be willing to share with the team. D, I assume that in real darkness he'd still need the torch stone or something to see, right? But at night with stars and such he'll be okay…
Yes Velon will stick around with Poljen and would also like to get to know Mari better. He would not be flirting, but he would of course joke with her as he does everyone. He would intentionally seek out those in need of help locally.
Yes Ky, I actually wrote down the Fortress and the figurines such as Bronze Griffon. They both seem extremely powerful for just Rare items. I could see Daishain not wanting us wipping out an army of huge Griffon's. Maybe I'll oficially ask some day. The fortress would be really cool for the Blaze to carry around. Maybe we can all chip in after the next chapter. The thing even does damage!
Edit: Daishain. Multiclassing question for you. Velon now has level 3 spell slots per the slot table for multiclassing. With regard to spells known, the multiclassing section says to determine this from the individual classes. I thus look at the sorcerer table and see that as a level 4 sorcerer he would not know spells higher than level 2. My understanding is thus that Velon has level 3 slots but cannot know level 3 spells. This is fine, of course. He'll enhance existing spells or smites and get fireball next time around, but I just want to make sure I'm interpreting this properly. Thanks!
Arg, another edit: I'm picking up Chromatic Orb, so need a 50gp diamond. Considering the other treasures we've been able to obtain in this break I'm assuming Velon can buy this. I'll mark it down but wanted it on record in case De Beers has bought up all of the diamonds in Daishain's world and artificially inflated the prices, you know, like in the real world!
Edited: Cinder on 30th Jun, 2017 - 2:47pm
I'm afraid the fortress is on my 'to nerf' list.
Tell you what, when you next think of asking, you can get the fortress in one of two forms.
-Option one, keep the fortress as is, but as a very rare item. I'll throw in a pair of built in scorpions (As in the small antipersonnel ballistae) and maybe a few other things as partial compensation for the price hike.
-Option two, it stays as a Rare item, but becomes a "Not quite instant" fortress, needing a minute rather than a single turn to grow into place. This would also remove the option of using it as an AOE weapon.
The Griffons are actually fine, but be aware that if they start getting spammed, there will be an increasing chance of their figurines being lost/stolen/destroyed, as you're no longer being personally in custody of them at all times. That can turn into quite the money sink.
Yes, the interpretation for Velon's spells is correct. Its one of the weird things about being a multiclass caster in 5E.
Edited: daishain on 30th Jun, 2017 - 2:46pm
Cinder, I looked at those figurines as well. I will have to pick up the golden lions one day. The bag of tricks looks fun too. I really hope to get a Deck of Many Things down the road. It has some amazing cards but some really bad things can happen to you. It's the ultimate game of chance.
Daishain, What does the sword of warning do besides give advantage on initiative checks? That's the main thing I wanted but I think it does more??
Edited: Kyrroeth on 30th Jun, 2017 - 3:08pm
Sounds very fair on the fortress Daishain, it did seem OP at Rare. (I say that without knowing the cost of the Very Rare items. (Laugh) We could all split it, though. Official Blaze headquarters! I assume it can be furnished and anything you keep in it is part of the deal.)
Yes anything random like that can be a lot of fun for the party! I was a Wild Magic sorcerer one time and had to roll on the table for that occasionally. During one battle, a siege, everyone suddenly became invisible; good guys, bad guys, etc. It was pure chaos and took everyone a moment to ponder how to properly roll play being invisible themselves and also the huge troll they were fighting suddenly being gone. Do you realize what happened and swing at it anyhow? Etc.
Hey Daishain are crystals like the blue one Poljen received on the magic item list? Curious.
Yes you can furnish the fortress if/when you get it. It still won't "Pack up" if anything living is inside though, and I'm going to ask that you keep it reasonable in regards to using the thing as storage for bulk items.
PS, market value for VRare is 25,000. However, on the other hand, that kind of thing is the sort of item that you may be able to quest for.
The crystal Poljen got is a variant of weapon and armor crystals found in 3.5e. Feel free to take a look.
Edited: daishain on 30th Jun, 2017 - 3:30pm