My question may have gotten lost in the clutter. Did Fay get a hit on the guy who moved up or did it take both strikes to down the dwarf in front? The hit with Sun Sword brought his foe 24 damage when added to the previous round. I ask because the answer will help me decide whether to use a luck roll this round.
Edited: Abnninja on 4th Aug, 2017 - 12:52am
I set up a little google spreadsheet for the party to track stuff that could be relevant during combats. Just to give us an overview of who is where in terms of health and what sort of conditions (Good or bad) are in effect. It's purpose isn't to meta-game but help us determine best options. Everyone with the link can edit the page so feel free to add info if you wish.
You can find the link at bit DOT ly SLASH partytracker.
The sunblade attack alone was sufficient, but the guy who moved up did so after Fay's go, so I directed Fay's second attack at the dwarf to his left.
Christian, I am sure that will come in handy.
Edited: daishain on 4th Aug, 2017 - 2:25am
So from what I can tell, perhaps only a few more turns of combat have gone by but I don't know where everyone is. I was out of commission for two days and am now more then a bit lost.
Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Aug, 2017 - 2:59am
Look at Daishain's last post in the Main Thread on page 412. It shows everyone's current position. Your best bet is probably to prepare to deal with whatever is about to be summoned into that circle. If it gets through it might disrupt Silas' concentration which could cause some very bad things to happen. Another character yelled out for Geoffroy to cast Burning Sphere on the summoning circle. Grease is being cast there as well so it might make a nice fire.
Once Lia and Velon deal with the last of the Duetgsr on the south side we can either help.vs the summoned enemy or help with the battle in the north *smile*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Aug, 2017 - 3:05am
Thanks, I will make a quick edit to my post and see about casting Flaming Sphere so that can be lit up. Again, my apologies as the last couple of days have been rough.