I don't think anyone should be able to play 2 characters simultaneously. The switching out is fine. I wouldn't mind switching to a different character for a while some time. It's bad since two of my games are shut down. My backup idea for Lia is a red dragon descended dragonborn battlemaster wielding a great axe. She would have a surly personality and be unwilling to share the gold *wink*.
I can't believe that Velon is abandoning Lia after she came over there to help him. .
Robert, have you thought about making that wizard a blade singer? It would do what you wanted and give you an insane armor class. The blade singer is amazing if you want to be a melee wizard and gives you much more survivability. Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Aug, 2017 - 10:45pm
This is Cratol we are talking about, reckless should be expected while he is in battle. Doing foolhardy things yet so far being lucky enough not to get killed by it and perhaps it even helping.
Also, I don't say this to be disrespectful. It make things interesting and with surprises.