I came in expecting distrust and suspicion, but I also came in with the assumption that we would find a way of getting things worked out to the point where the party would at least let Zarra travel with them.
Admittedly my concern is more for what has been said out of character here than anything that has happened in character. So far everyone seems to be reacting about how I would have expected them to, I've just allowed myself to get a little worried because of the talk here.
Honestly though I am still a bit surprise, since we have had both of drow and the tiefling a part of our party. Admittedly the drow disappeared and did have much to special against her, but as far as I can remember she was still allowed to be part of the group without too much issue if any. Perhaps I am misremembering.
Also which I may actually have her bring up in character, putting aside the fact that she is a drow has her behavior, demeanor, manner, or words given any reason to believe she is not who she says she is?
She could have tried killing the kobold couple, taken all that they own. Used up her potions as needed to fix her leg, maybe even try putting it directly on the wound but I'm not sure they work that way, and leave as soon as possible.
Hell, when she was watching the soup she could have poisoned it. Though clearly she did not.
She is not acted with arrogance nor aggression towards anyone, she has been polite and perhaps even a bit submissive in matter. Which admittedly they'll be reason for that all it reveal at some point.
Still, the face remains that she isn't acting like an drow from anything to the party is likely to know about them. Again consideration of how she was raised in a strongly matriarchal culture and society, where the females held all social and political power while viewing all of the races as inferior.
Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Aug, 2017 - 7:31pm
Why are we still arguing this here Thomas? We are trying to resolve it in the main thread. Sar'ai didn't have trust issues with the group that Zarra has. That is because she was one of the original members of the group so it was assumed that those issues were already worked out previously. If you had started with Zarra instead of Geoffroy you wouldn't have these issues. Look at all the things that Sar'ai did and the way she disappears? That didn't help build trust for drows. She did some very shady things. In addition, she was half drow who would probably be treated a little better than drow. The Tiefling wasn't trusted by the group totally either. However, as I mentioned earlier, Drow have a much worse reputation than tieflings.
We are playing our characters as we feel they would react. We have every intention of allowing her to join the group. We wish to do it in a reasonable manner though. Just because she isn't acting like one would expect a drow to act doesn't mean she should be trusted. It's called deception.
I'm going to post in the main now to try to move past this. It's irritating to me to be told that I'm playing my character wrong and should just accept her. In this world I would dare say that many drow would be killed on sight. Throughout this campaign she will experience discrimination from npc's etc. Your description of her background says that she experienced that in the past. That's to be expected playing a drow. One day down the road if you play her in a trustworthy manner, party members will show trust in her. That will be more meaningful than just shrugging and saying now " She is a drow. Let's give her a chance. What's the worst that could happen?"
Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Aug, 2017 - 7:53pm
My apologizes Kyrroeth for the irritation, and again I want to repeat I have no issues with how things are in the actually roleplay. I simply allowed myself to be bothered or concerned too much by what was being discussed here. Sighs.
I think this issue is just about over, but I just want to explain myself clearly. Thomaslee, the impression I am getting is that you think as long as Zarra does not act like a "Typical drow," the group should accept her. But since we are on a very important mission, and suddenly find a newcomer waiting for us, that seems very unusual… dare I say, suspicious?
Even if your character was not a drow, say a human or an elf, we would be wary. The fact she is a drow just sets off even more alarms for us. To our characters, she is acting as if she were someone who expects she should be treated like any traveler, when we can not afford that sort of behavior. As for Sar'ai, we had decided we all had worked together in the past and come to trust one another. I am sure that if we had role-played our coming together, there would have been much mistrust of that drow.
You said when you explained the character concept, and have it in your background, that she knows she must work to earn trust, but until she agreed to undergo the Truth spell, she had made no effort to win our trust at all. I was hoping for her to make an earnest speech, along the lines of, "I know my race makes it hard for you all to trust me. My people have earned that reputation, and I have to suffer for it. But if you give me a chance, I will show you that at I am worthy of trust. I am of good character and noble intentions. Please, tell me what I must do to at least have you give me a chance? I know even then it will take time to earn that which I seek, but I am willing to undergo any test, face any challenge you name, to show that there is more to me than my heritage."
But since we seem to have overcome this, I think we can drop it for now. I just wanted to make clear why I think we were all having a difficult time. Again, speaking for myself, I was expecting more from Zarra.
Well I have been distracted, worrying recently about real life things. Perhaps I didn't offer as much as I could with Zarra but I will strive to do better and maybe even find a time and place to throw in such a speech as you suggested.
Thomas, just play your character as you want to and know that we are all doing the same. My character doesn't care that you're a Drow, but the moment we began picking up strangers in the middle of our secret mission, then Oswald had a problem.
Not because of who and what she is, but because the risk was both unnecessary and dangerous to the quest. At least in my character's eyes.