Question Brandonfett, why would she even want to be part of the Priesthood of Lolth? In so many ways, at least how it's been shown in Dungeons & Dragons, I always felt that Drow society was actually more then a bit toxic.
Unless of course you were evil yourself and thrived in such a culture. Power, ambition, the willingness to backstab or murder those of your own kind and even family. I can see such a life leading to little more then paranoia and distrust, a selfishness even, of which the priestesses' hold the most power.
Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Jan, 2017 - 5:42pm
Cahleth was not intentionally keeping the mask amulet secret from the group. Just forgot about it in the flurry of events that followed. The next time there is a travel scene or some similar down time he'll find it in his pocket, and see if anyone recognizes it for meaning or affiliation.
Thomaslee, everything you just mentioned is pretty much in Sar'ai's backstory. She was born in Menzobarrenzan whose great-aunt was a high priestess of Lolth.
I don't know if we will ever come to a consensus on the leader issue. I think barring rolling off as Aeric mentioned it will continue to be the same. It's fun role playing it out but I feel that we should already have a leader. I don't see how a group like the Silver Blaze has been operating with no leader. There's no one to organize attacks, plan on courses of action, etc. It hasn't mattered so far due to Sir Onthar being in charge of the caravan. If we continue as we are, down the road we will be debating like this before any action. It is what it is though. Lia will continue to heal and not worry about the politics. I'm concerned for Poljen and Targul. Without direction they will charge into any enemy with no regard for tactics. No insult for the players. Just the way the characters are.
Edit: That's a good point Paul. I guess I'm really referring to Targul. He just wants to hit something. I guess Poljen can help keep him in the right place.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Jan, 2017 - 6:42pm
None taken, but I do disagree, at least as far as Poljen is concerned. He is always WILLING to charge, if that seems like a good idea. Remember, when we were expecting three scouts, he was more than willing to lay an ambush. And for the fight with the group coming from the northern camp, the flanking movement was sweet. And as I said before about the southern camp, they were already getting nervous, as they showed by sending the three scouts. They were waiting for a report, and the longer they waited without a report, the less chance we would have had of any surprise. Poljen's idea was to keep moving as he fought, to keep their focus on him, giving the others, especially Cahleth, some respite from attacks. Trust me, as a player I have a decent sense of tactics, and usually try to run with them. But there will be times I think that Poljen will make the wrong choice. Just as once in a while Corren (Another game Kyrroeth and I are in) will make the wrong decision, based on emotions.
Kyrroeth makes a good point. Now obviously the silver blaze hasn't had the opportunity to have this discussion before now because we've "Already been working together" for 4 levels. So it would stand to make sense that we'd already have this worked out, but given that we are just now taking control of our characters who have been operating essentially without OUR input until now, we are having this issue.
I love the role playing, that's one thing I personally do not get a lot of in my home games as my players tend to be more "Encounter" driven, so I may have a bias as it pertains to keeping the conversation going, but it does need to be a discussion with a purpose and eventual goal. That goal of course being "Who is the leader of the silver blaze?"
But as stated before, technically we would have already come to this decision and maybe to justify why we are having this discussion now, perhaps we are "Re-evaluating" that former decision? But that would mean we'd need to state who was the original person in that position (I think it would/could have easily been Cahleth) and move on from there, either voting to keep that person as leader or changing it. Personally, from Brandon's point of view, I think Cahleth or Lia would make good leaders.
From Sar'ai's point of view, she does not really care as she will probably just go about doing what's best in her eyes anyway at any given moment and try to justify or rationalize her actions later. But she does like and respect Lia's tenacity, and Sar'ai also likes Cahleth's (So far) truthfulness and openness about what he is doing for the Harpers as opposed to keeping it from the group. Geoffroy, in Sar'ai's opinion, would also make a good leader but for only the fact he seems to be very willing to be the one to hold that responsibility, not that others wouldn't, but he seems more eager and assured in handling it, from her perspective.
I must say, though, I personally do not like the idea of just rolling to be leader. It doesn't make for good storytelling nor does it really give any justification in the result. Now if you're saying that there are only two choices and everyone agrees that those are the only two suitable choices and we can't, by roleplaying, come to an agreement on which one or the voting ended in a tie, then doing a "Coin flip" could be appropriate. But really only as a last resort.
Edited: Brandonfett on 28th Jan, 2017 - 6:56pm