In regards to characters complementing Lia; with her being a cleric of a Goddess of beauty it actually makes sense that men, even teammates, would act in this manner. Her beauty is also part of her backstory and is a main aspect of her religious duties.
To be honest, we would probably be hearing the same thing from countless NPCs if we were walking around town; if the Dungeon Master felt so inclined. Infact, I made sure to note in a previous rp post how Lia noticed that Oswald wasn't fawning over her. I felt that she would be more likely to notice someone not praising her. Just my view on it. Edited: Robertreaper on 16th Sep, 2017 - 1:09am
I think it's the leadership aspect that Thomas is commenting on. After all, his character, shall we call him Stonefaced Geoffroy for now , was the leader and he didn't receive any praise and the leader before him, well let's say Fay gave him a bit of a hard time.
Abnninja is correct, I was actually talking about how everyone is complimenting Lia's leadership compared to when I was playing Geoffroy. Perhaps I should have been a little clearer in implying or stating such. Still,I bear no ill will on such though I am feeling a bit jealous and disappointed. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Sep, 2017 - 1:40am
Thomas, this is a game. Any compliments or negative comments in game are in character. The compliments have no reflection on you. Geoffroy isn't you, he is a character that you chose to play.
I'm really sorry if you are offended by the comments. No one is trying to hurt your feelings. Everyone is doing their best to roleplay their characters as they see fit. Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Sep, 2017 - 2:00am
I know no one is trying to offend or hurt my feelings, that I never doubted. Even in my other post I offered that I knew I really shouldn't let it bother me, even though it was getting to me a little bit.
Robert, you are correct with the way Lia regards Oswald. She expects men to ogle her. Oswald not doing so makes her unsure of him and less likely to trust him. Jack is acting as she expects. That is why she is much more comfortable around him. Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Sep, 2017 - 2:56am