Concerned, who fumbled their stealth? That could always become bad new very quickly., I will take a quick look of things and hope nothing to worrisome has happened while I slept.
Yeah no worries regarding the stone. It was more that I realized that Jack, being newer, may not be fully aware of this useful trinket and may want to use it at times for the scout team. I didn't expect it to be used in that moment given that Velon is way in the back, just wanted to post it in character before I forgot.
At least we have that Sleep spell slot for future use in this dungeon!
Aw, seems like the two "Professional spies" the Blaze hired are more like Masters Of Fumbling than anything else…! And yes, I did forget to use the stone this time as well, so I guess Jack will have to live with the consequences… and RUN LIKE HELL.
They're all yours, crew… providing they're dumb enough to follow Jack, otherwise I guess Zarra will have to pick them out until the rest of us can get back into the fray.
And yes, KN is right… hopefully they don't have an alarm device with them. Another instance where the Silence Stone would be really useful! Wish I'd have thought of that one earlier.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 20th Sep, 2017 - 8:37pm
Yeah, rolling a one happens. In fact, just about 5% of the time! The problem is, Jack and Oswald fumbled at some pretty inopportune times. Such is life. Well, at least such is life on Fearun where all is determined by the die. My fear is only four of them follow your character and one goes for help.
Can you give us a quick rundown of where we are again?
Edited: Abnninja on 20th Sep, 2017 - 10:58pm