Looks like our monk learned the Chi Skill of "Cloning Fist"... 16 Cratols! Running everywhere! Cultists don't stand a chance.
See if I can post the map thread here:
Source 5j
Does that work ?
p.s to Christian: maybe make sure that Jack sprints through before getting Poppo to cast Grease ? Not wanting to twist the proverbial knife here, but I'm thinking the Amber Stumbler did enough skidding on his face for the time being… *wink*.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 21st Sep, 2017 - 12:29am
Out of Character: : Just have Poljen running after the bad guys, and will attack whichever he sees that appears to be using a stone… I will roll an Athletics Check to make sure he gets past the Grease, assuming Poppo doesn't disperse it immediately. He will leave the downed cultist for the others. He intends to use his speed to try to stop the alarm from being sounded.
Okay, I was hoping to avoid having Jack rolling yet another scary d20 for Athletics, what with his recent luck etc… so maybe Poppo can dissipate the grease and let us through ? Not sure how that spell thing works in 5e: would he have to dissipate magic, would that be a cantrip ?
In any case, here's athletics as well (All fingers crossed !).
By the way, seems like Zarra also just did fumble her acrobatics… Jack's Super-Scouts are on a roll, everybody!
P.s: also for Thomaslee, I just realized you rolled a d20 instead of a d8 for Zarra's crossbow damage, you may want to correct that if you haven't already planned to… ?
Edited: AshDrunbar on 21st Sep, 2017 - 2:15pm