(Laugh) yeah, I figure since Velon's action was to rush to the corner and take out anyone there, this dude sliding into the corner could count so it's not really a departure from what I posted so I didn't change my main post.
Of course I only thought about how grease and green flame might mix after I posted, so we'll see on that! .
Mmmh grease and fire, a timeless Dungeons & Dragons classic.
By the way, you better be ready everyone, because Jack is going for stealth AGAIN.
Probably a good thing if someone goes along to make sure he doesn't blow this one, too…
And as for the poor sod lying into the grease, I almost saw a comical scene, with him curling into a ball, expecting to be slaughtered, then seeing everyone run by, finally starting to relax a bit, only to be brutally put down by Velon's cleaver. Tarantino material, here (At least in my mind's eye…).
This campaign is turning to be pretty rambunctious, all things considered…!
Good, good. Edited: AshDrunbar on 22nd Sep, 2017 - 12:44am
I can't properly see the map on my phone, I can't move the image (Not a new problem), and the internet on my PC is inaccessible at this moment (Long story); so I will try to post sometime in the morning.
If you need to push on, I will shadow Jack's orders (Have fun with that Ash), shoot my bow, heal if needed; you know, the usual things.
Mmh, yes Ninja that would make complete sense. I must admit I'm still wrapping my head around all the mechanics and possibilities of playing a rogue in 5e.
So, if I understand right, rogues never have to submit to the AoO rule, since they have Disengage as a Cunning Action, is that how it works, here ?
Also, I've been wondering about centering a bit on Jack's knife-throwing skills. Anyone knows how that would work, game-wise ? Would a rogue get 2 attacks on the first round using cunning action ? How many sneak attacks would be available in that case ? What are the possibilities for a good build here ?
As long as you aren't using your Cunning Action already to Dash (Or Hide) then yeah you're safe from AoO that turn.
Cunning Action doesn't provide an extra Action, attack, or Bonus Action so there'd be no way to use it to attack. You could use your Bonus Action to toss a dagger with your off-hand however if you want that second attack (Duel wielding rules here).
Since a dagger has the Thrown property along with Finesse allowing use of your Dexterity over strength it would basically be the same throwing it as using it in melee as long as you're in range (And go recover the dagger). We can look up other weapons with Thrown too but I doubt Jack wants to throw axes or javelins using his Strength mod or anything.
So long as you have a bonus action available, yes, cunning action means you can always withdraw. It is certainly one of the nicer aspects of being a rogue.
Oh, also, Sneak attack is specifically limited to once per round.
The one throwing dagger build I've seen for 5e used a champion fighter dip for archery fighting style, action surge, and an extended [Critical Hit] range. The Sharpshooter feat was also involved. Idea was to throw with advantage from stealth, with an expanded [Critical Hit] range, the odds of a [Critical Hit] go up to 19% per attack under those circumstances, and sneak attack dice get doubled along with the rest. Edited: daishain on 22nd Sep, 2017 - 5:51pm
Mmmh, I'm confused: does Jack get a Bonus action from his off-hand as a lv6 rogue ? Or is that specifically reserved for fighter-types ?
I was under the impression that a rogue gets a Cunning action, but no bonus action (So no extra attacks, etc). Yet the off-hand dual wielding rule Cinder mentions was something I also encountered on some 5e forums while doing a bit of research (See this link here for example Source 3b
I'm kinda lost, here…
P.s: also, still not sure about the double invisibility spell… both Fay and Jack benefiting from a spell each, they wouldn't be able to see each-other without a Detect Invisibility cast in the mix, right ?
Still, seems like Poljen volunteered to follow them on their mission. Is that the final team, then ? I guess we'll have to wait for Lia's decision on that as usual. Just wondering about who goes where exactly. Edited: AshDrunbar on 22nd Sep, 2017 - 6:39pm