I vote for Poljen punching a hole through the back of the dead guard's skull and using it as a sock puppet.
Sorry, drifted into straight-up Chaotic Evil here for a minute… eh. Not that I have any say in the matter, but still: first claiming one of the guards "Tripped and fell" then holding the other one by the armpits? What a class act! Jack would definitely approve of the big lad's resourcefulness, no doubt.
P.s: Kyr's got it down, The Invisibles will probably have to get their show on the road at some point. Good side-quest for our two brave conquerors: squabbling and pinching each-other while Fighting Great Evil In All Its Shapes And Forms. Love it!
Plus: great band name.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 27th Sep, 2017 - 2:38am
Apologies Dungeon Master, I had tried to include a roll previously but botched posting versus editing my previous post. I'll post it here so I can ask a question too.
Not exactly sure where this round is starting. Are the door check and Misty Step Velon's Action and Bonus Action here? I'm guessing so, but if the Misty was part of a surprise round or something and Velon has a bonus action left please let me know. Thx!
PS. Please ignore second roll below. Using it just for myself to judge Velon's overall awareness here.
Edit: Oof, glad those rolls weren't swapped! It would be pathetic if Velon's strength failed him to that degree at this moment. As is I guess a 1 means he's totally focused on the door and will not even be thinking of trying to stop the man sounding the alarm. Oh well. It my help our mask thieves.
Edited: Cinder on 27th Sep, 2017 - 1:10pm
Having Zarra cast disguise self is a consideration, passing herself as an elven guard. Let me double check where the current situation in the Main Thread is and I could perhaps have my drow suggest such. That, or if another brings it up then have her agree with such a plan.
Hmm, my apologizes for not getting here sooner so as go with such an idea. Hopefully things haven't gotten too crazy since yesterday.