Looks like Poljen has a [Critical Hit] on his second attack. I am rolling the extra die here. Thank you and good night all! I am not sure when I will get online tomorrow. The boys have an afternoon birthday party, I need to do the grocery shopping, etc…
As it is, the Dungeon Master chose to go for the scouts original plan, so we're gonna have to follow that thread of action.
I'm thinking of having Jack trying to persuade Fay to go back and get reinforcements while the rogue follows the trio and does his best to leave discrete markings on the way for say, Oswald to be able to know where they went (Dagger scratches on wood, ball bearings on the floor at crossroads, that sort of thing…).
I just would like to run this idea here first, since I'm not sure how realistic this would be in-game (How far on the battlements the others are, how the scouts would know that the rest of the group went that way - maybe they can hear the commotion up above? - etc…).
Otherwise the only other solution would be for the two scouts to follow the trio at a distance, hoping they don't get too far or just use magic to escape. Engaging them would be suicide at this point, and accomplish little, I reckon.
What's everybody's take on this?
Let me know and I'll do a post in Main Thread accordingly.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Sep, 2017 - 4:45pm
Fay won't let Jack go off alone. Whatever they do they do it together. The trio could be heading towards the mask. It's also likely they are heading towards the battle in the courtyard. I say Fay and Jack go search the two areas they couldn't get in before. That was the plan, to draw the guards away with the battle so they two can search.
EDIT Also, I don't think we should get group input here. It just feels wrong to me. Fay and Jack are off alone and they should make up their minds together. But that's just me.
Edited: Abnninja on 30th Sep, 2017 - 4:49pm
No need to search, one of them is wearing the mask!
(See Dungeon Master post).
At this point we'll need to stop them as fast as possible. They're obviously trying to escort Rezmir away from the place with the mask, so 2 courses of action here:
1.both of us engage them to try and stop them, or at least slow them down: we'll probably both get killed and the rest of the group will have no way to know where we are to help out.
2. One of us tails them and the other goes for help.
At this point Jack is committed to the latter plan, he sees it as the only one that makes sense. Also think they're having to decide this in a flash.
You want to run that by Jack beforehand or just have Fay rashly going for it without warning? Both options work for me, just think carefully though, Fay's mom is hoping to see him back alive otherwise she'll only have our amber spy to blame *wink*.
This is somewhat out of character knowledge, since you guys haven't tried determining the nature of the big guards, but they're not half dragons.
For a sense of scale, Cyanwrath is about 7' in height, Rezmir is a little shorter at about 6'9", these guys are pushing 12', and have a notably different body structure.
Now, that difference in height and profile doesn't necessarily preclude half dragon status, as while the humanoid parent of both of the above was a human, these guys could've had an ogre parent for instance. But yeah, they're something different than that possibility as well. Feel free to figure out what.
Edited: daishain on 30th Sep, 2017 - 5:10pm