Fay is nothing if not rash!
See Fay's action posted no. If that mask is metal and Fay can tell it is metal he'll cast heat metal on it. Otherwise, he goes with the bow. But his first choice would be to sear it off of her face and then hope Jack can get through one of the doors and retrieve it while they follow Fay up the stairs.
RGR, in that case Fay is going to go with the the crossbow and shoot the shorter and slimmer one in her back. Hopefully it is enough of a surprise that he gets a free action before they respond. Are either of the other two wearing armor? Edited: Abnninja on 30th Sep, 2017 - 6:18pm
Yup, rash indeed…
Daishain, in term of game mechanics, what would be necessary for Jack to run under the cover of invisibility, grab the mask from Rezmir's face and keep legging it down the hallway? Are we talking grapple here, or a simple attack roll? Looks like things just got a lot more interesting with absolutely no warning.
Needless to say, if they get out of this alive, Fay's gonna have some serious explaining to do: Jack is less than impressed by that the bard's impulsive performance. Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Sep, 2017 - 6:34pm
Yeah, such is the life of Fay. He is sometimes quite rash. But sometimes there isn't time for planning. Plus, I want to see Lia's reaction to Jack when she sees her son's dead body. If I were Jack I would start praying she uses all the lighting in that wand! Also, I have to play Fay how I picture him. You'll note, in KN's game, my character there is nothing like this nothing like this.
Hmm, good question Ash. They don't have rules for such an action.
I think I would run it as if it were a disarm attempt. That would make it your attack roll, contested by their athletics or acrobatics.
Bear in mind, the group would have told jack by now about their encounter with Cyanwrath. He effortlessly pointed out Poljen when he got close, in spite of the big guy being under an invisibility spell. It is presumable that this woman has a similar ability. Edited: daishain on 30th Sep, 2017 - 6:40pm
Daishain, I did take her Special Detection abilities into account, I just figured Jack could take advantage of her attention being distracted after being hit by Fay's bolt, run up to her at full speed, snatch the mask (Therefore becoming visible), then use the rest of his move action to get as far away from them as possible in the opposite direction as the one Fay took (Counting on Jack's rogue dash abilities after this point, and hoping no other enemies stand between him and the exit)... Which is a fairly long shot, I'll admit.
The other option, remaining DISCREETLY hidden, is also less likely to be executed properly now that they've been made aware they're under attack.
But let's see how this turns out, although I'd say a crossbow-wielding bard appearing out of thin air isn't likely to render them less cautious about being followed. *sighs*.
P.s: this is turning into a real riot. As frustrated as Jack is about his plans going awry, I can't really blame Fay for being such a kamikaze, even though it may compromise things to an unknown extent… After all, that anecdote of Poljen becoming invisible also reminded me of another somewhat unpredictable Tiefling Bard. Maybe goes with the trade? *chuckles*.
P.p.s: Ninja, not sure how effective Jack sneaking would be on a creature that can smell him coming (Half-dragons do have blindsight, as Daishain just mentionned). Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Sep, 2017 - 7:20pm