Yeah, but hopefully at that point she will be in combat and distracted. Smelling him coming when being attacked from the front may not be as effective as when she has all her sense on alert for trouble. Having been in combat, I can tell you that when green tracers are heading your direction from in front of you 98% of your attention is that direction… the other 2% is trying to keep the pee in your bladder in your bladder rather than peeing in your pants.
EDIT I see it doesn't matter as they didn't follow. Okay, when you say the mage is near Fay how near is near? Close enough for Fay's next action? Edited: Abnninja on 30th Sep, 2017 - 8:20pm
Poppo steady as a rock! Right on, little hobbit.
As far as combat with Rezmir, looks like Jack won't have to find out yet about the half-dragon's bladder control… and a good thing it is, too. Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Sep, 2017 - 9:32pm
I'm going to be making a post right now, but I'm currently at work so another reply might not be forthcoming until my break.
I will say I hope that I haven't missed much, especially since I really didn't post that much yesterday. Let me know if I miss anything when I do post and I'll see about getting it fixed. Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Sep, 2017 - 9:36pm
Thomas, I'm afraid that Jack and Fay are the only party members that have put eyes on Rezmir, they haven't had a chance to tell the rest about it, and there's quite a bit of stone structure in between her and your shot.
There are a number of cultists nearby that Zarra could shoot at instead. There's also a mage a few hundred feet off that is giving Poppo trouble.