Daishain, any chance Jack may have spotted some siege weapons while wandering through the castle?
Just remembering fighting the blue dragon with a ballista right now… I bet that'd work against a half-dragon, too!
Or maybe get that big platform to fall on their heads?
Problem would be to get them to stand under it long enough, of course… *wink *.
P.s: more to the point, can anyone re-post the battlemap link? Thanks. Edited: AshDrunbar on 1st Oct, 2017 - 3:15pm
I'm a little worried as well where this might go, now that everyone knows we're here. Especially since we have to worry about a black half dragon wearing a mask that connects her to Tiamat, either escaping or being too great a threat by the time we actually get to her.
I should ask this question here. Fay is now up top yelling at the top of his lungs for his companions. Can they hear him above the din of battle? He is a bard trained to project his voice. In normal circumstances I don't think the distance would be a factor. But here…?
Oh, I'm confident that the Silver Blaze will come through as always. This just seems like it has the potential to be our biggest challenge by far up to this point. I'm really concerned that we might lose a character or two. Too bad we only have one diamond for the revivify spell *wink*.