Well, if the first roll had been better than the second, and you don't think the second would have hit, I'd have let you choose to apply inspiration and discard the second roll.
In this case though, the point was rather moot it seems, nice.
Edited: daishain on 2nd Oct, 2017 - 4:02am
Well, since I completely forgot about inspiration and this Elf in front of Fay just managed to insult both his mother and father I think that will inspire Fay to try and cut him down. He will use his inspiration to give him advantage on that first roll.
Its about a 20' diameter, and its right at the intersection of the north and west walls. Jumping might be possible, as would going around. The real threat though is that its about to spew forth some big creature in that spot.
That may be, but does Poljen know that? I mean, if it appears before he gets his move, he would definitely engage it, since that is his job. But if he moves prior to the beast's arrival, he would be considering jumping to the north wall and going after the mage himself. I guess he did see a similar circle down below when the demon (Or whatever it was) was summoned, but it is up to you if he knows or even suspects what is about to happen.
Sorry to be a pest, but is the map updated for this round? It seems the archers and mage would still be quite far away from Velon and some of the others so I was curious. I'm also curious to see where Velon is in relation to stairs down IF he can hear Lia. Is the summoning circle potentially blocking the route down in that NW corner?
Speaking of that last part, I've lost track of the initiative order. Should we assume everyone can hear Lia spread Fay's warning this round, or only those whose turns are after Lia's?
Thanks Dungeon Master!