I know, two 20's huh for Poljen on top of Fay's 20 per round!
An evil grin comes over Velon's face, he can finally destroy the Blaze as he was sent to do. He picks Lia up and flings her off the battlements, not to the courtyard but outside of the keep into the swampy water. He laughs with an evil cackle and tosses a level 9 chromatic orb at Fay, killing him instantly.
... Oh wait, no… ok healing just taken care of in the main thread! .
Edited: Cinder on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 2:05pm
No one is more surprised than me at the double crits. I will roll the extra dice here. And fear not, Daisahin, I remember the electrical damage is NOT doubled. Just the sword. And I am very glad Velon is on hand to heal Lia, since she would have suffered an automatic fail from the fall, then her rolls were pretty unlucky. Thank you, Velon!
Yeah we're lucky they were so close together. Last turn I actually wrote up 80% of a post that had him going south again and down the ladder that they came up. Glad I changed it. Perhaps Cratol has a health pot on him but otherwise she may have been done for. Fay is certainly quite busy. Yikes!
PS Very good timing on a good shot from Oswald, I believe. Took out that mage just in time! That was big, from allowing the rest of us around the corner to not having to deal with snakes or whatever Daishain would have done to us!
I still have an Inspiration Point that I can use, if you all feel that it could help out Lia. Given how close she came to possibly dying and perhaps very much need to reroll. That and the idea of Zarra bringing "Inspiration" to the wood elf who had been so untrusting and suspicious of her could be interesting.
Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 3:08pm
Thanks Thomas but she has to be close by to lend it per what Daishain said a day or two ago.
Daishain, I'm unsure of the turn sequence. I assume that this turn will consist of Velon healing Lia and handing her the potion. On the next turn he could fly off on her broom and she could drink the potion, correct? She will be out of commission for the next two rounds it sounds like. I am correct on this? [By The Way], thanks for having her not fall into the swamp Daishain. She would have surely died. If the others had all dropped below or the mage had been able to summon the creature then she would she died as well.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 3rd Oct, 2017 - 3:20pm
Okay, Poppo will direct the fireball to hit the masked person and the goons. He'll place the fireball so it won't hit party members if possible. He'll then fallow up with the magic missiles on whichever goon looks the worst off.
If he can't see them he will use a lightning bolt instead of a fireball on the swordsman and use the magic missiles to mop up any archers that are left.