Can Jack actually do that? I have the feeling that after he gets the mask he's gonna draw all kinds of unrequited attention and will need all the Inspiration he can get… hope these beasties don't run too fast (I'm betting on them being closer to godzillas than velociraptors, but we'll find out very shortly, methinks…)
Also, still don't know about Rezmir's counter-roll, but if she manages to resist a natural 19, I guess that just means Jack will have to change his tactics anyways.
I saw it. People, please try to keep in mind the forum rules. Updates on your personal life are asked by the mods to be confined to your Introduction thread. It may be less convenient than letting us know about probable posting availability in here, but that's not my call.
As to taking back the inspiration point, I've let others do so, so I will let you do so.
But that is the last time. From now on, once you've rolled for the inspiration point, you've spent the inspiration point. If you want to take advantage of not needing to roll inspiration until after the initial check, you'll need to do that in a separate post.
Oh boy, poor Jack. Hopefully someone can get to him in time, but I figured Velon had a plan already and did not see where Rezmir and Jack went as he focused on Lia and the broom up top. They appear to be under the lip of the roof/buildings based on the diagram, so he couldn't see. Hopefully someone sees him and has a healing potion or kit or something that can at least stabilize him. Velon will be looking for the masked one (He doesn't know it to be Rezmir specifically, I don't think) but not sure how long it will take for him to figure out what's going on with two huge foes in his way.
Crossing my fingers on those Wisdom saves, that turn burned a big portion of Velon's remaining magic. (1 sorc point, 1 level1 slot, 1 level2 slot left) . We're going to be fighting Rezmir on fumes it sounds like, if we can catch him/her.
That's what you guys get for splitting up midbattle and engaging three subbosses and a boss all at once
In any case, I am confirming that casting hold person dropped the bless, and that Velon didn't have a view of what went down between Rezmir and Jack. But in any case, it is certainly reasonable for him to assume a few things when he sees Poljen surrounded by that pair.
P.S. Now that the buggers are in the open, people can make a history or arcana check to identify. Velon gets to do so with advantage.
Never going to argue with being offered more information. -1 modifier on each so I'll just call it history.
Ugh, pretty sad rolling on my part once again. Hoping the second enemy gets paralyzed so that 23 will count or I may miss completely here.
Edited: Cinder on 4th Oct, 2017 - 5:57pm