That is a disappointing surprise, and leaves a lot of questions in my mind. Yet I will not press for details, and hope we can continue things without too much issue.
I didn't have Fay use his parry so that if his spell took hold and the Elf moved he would have a reaction to use of an AoO with advantage. Since the Elf doesn't seem to have used the disengage action Fay should get an AoO. That advantage would wipe away the blur disadvantage. He should have been able to use his reaction to attack with his Sun Blade when Dralmorrer moved out of his range.
Here is what Blade Mastery provides:
When you make an opportunity attack with the weapon, you have advantage on the attack roll.
Perhaps I should have said this as an Out of Character: note in the main thread. I'm going to roll it here and you can allow it or not.
Sorry, but AOOs are not triggered when the subject's movement is involuntary. You forced him to move away from you.
Frankly, that rule doesn't make much sense from a fluff perspective, but it does in regards to avoiding setting up combos (IE casting Dissonant Whispers while a conga line of your allies are waiting to AOO the target all at once).
Wow, things just got really bad.
I hope Velon didn't leave Lia a turn or two too early. I figured with Cratol, Fay, the lizardfolk and Lia herself she'd be safe, but that elf is one tough opponent! Don't die, Lia!
Let's see what we can do to turn it around again… hm…
Edit: Daishain, how is the frozen Godslayer looking with regard to being bloodied and all of that?
Edited: Cinder on 5th Oct, 2017 - 7:56pm
This encounter is our toughest test yet. So far Jack, Lia and Poljen have been downed and now Lia is possibly a captive. Rezmir is a pretty difficult opponent. I fear for Zarra and Mari. If she downed Jack and Poljen of all people that easily she can easily take them out.
Ninja, Lia wanted Fay to stop the spell because she knows that elves are immune to magic sleep. Maybe the Dungeon Master will allow you to change that action. Fay would know that as well since he is immune to sleep himself.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Oct, 2017 - 8:01pm
To be fair, Poljen was pretty low on HP already when they engaged, and Jack's strengths are not in regards to resisting attacks.
As to the threat presented to Zarra and Mari, Rezmir left the field to go below, along with one of the Godslayers. The only enemies left above ground (Discounting random mooks that are hiding and/or being chased down by lizardfolk) are the elven leader and the godslayer Velon paralyzed.
That is true. I had forgotten about her going below. Too bad our party is mostly in shambles. We don't have the healing left to get many up to anywhere near full strength. Well done, Daishain. This is a superb challenge.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Oct, 2017 - 8:14pm