Daishain, was I correct previously in stating that all strikes against a paralyzed target are critical strikes? I believe everyone attacking the Godslayer should roll [Critical Hit] damage on all hits.
Considering the situation, I think we wait a while to see if Jack stays down or if he gets up and helps defeat the Godslayer. In any case, he will stick around with the remaining lizardfolk and tend to the wounded once the beast is defeated: way too weak to follow up after Rezmir at this point, I´m afraid… unless someone´s got a radical health trick up their sleeve.
That is indeed correct, with the noted exception of attacks made at range. Paralyzed is not a fun thing to be in this game.
Ash, Jack is free to get up, or play it safe and stay back. Kind of need to know either way.
Edited: daishain on 6th Oct, 2017 - 8:31pm
Lia has three slots left and her domain power to heal with. She can get the party mostly healed up. That is if she can survive her current situation. We would then have almost no healing left to fall back on but I think we can take her.
Ash, Jack very well might want to stay down. That poison attack doesn't allow any healing benefits for one minute. So the healing hands from Velon brought Jack back but he sits at either zero or one hit point. One good blow would finish him for good until he gets more healing.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Oct, 2017 - 8:46pm
Yes good advice in taking Hold Person during character creation from you Daishain. I've been tempted to use it before this, but thought the opponent might have higher Wisdom and just pass the save, wasting my turn and spell slot.
Perhaps the stone giant would have failed Wisdom save, or perhaps it was immune to such thing. I'm sure many boss types are in one way or another. I bet Rezmir would save.
Great spell, the only drawback being failing as described above and that there's not a lot one could do to influence the result. You aren't rolling so there's no advantage or anything, and even Hex won't mess with an enemies saving throws. Hm, something must… (Strokes chin thinking…).
Cinder, Bane will hurt their saving throws *smile* It would be very effective for one of the other characters to throw bane out first before Velon casts Hold Person. Lia has used it some but it's only really useful in boss battles like this.
Paul, don't you roll all your damage dice again for a [Critical Hit]? Not just the base die. That's my understanding of the rule.
Daishain, Thomas posted for two turns with Zarra. The first turn was casting true strike then she rolled for dagger attacks. He rolled for damage for two attacks which is perfect for the [Critical Hit] damage.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Oct, 2017 - 9:02pm