Just in case, I encounter another player-character soon. Would you prefer Daish, that I play out the encounter in this thread? Or continue everything in "Main thread"?
For example:
In Character: : "Hello, I'm Tazskan"
Also, Am I currently wearing rags or no clothes at all in my current game status?
Daishain - I need a couple of world rulings on wizard familiars from you: Can familiars, when dismissed, carry small objects into the pocket dimension that would come back when they get resummoned (Within 30')? When resummoned, do I have to see the location I summon it to appear in or can I specify "23' that way"? Can a familiar perform the Help action and give me advantage on attack rolls. And finally, can a familiar drop acid vials or something similar onto enemies from on high, as an attack?
Edited: Gknightbc on 9th Nov, 2017 - 4:26pm
Tazskan, already answered that one. Third post, last page.
-Yes to carrying small items. Please don't abuse it very far.
-I'm going to say you have to have to be able to see the location of the resummon point.
-Yes to help action
-Yes to dropping alchemist's fire and the like.
Note: in any conflict in which these last two are used, your familiar will lose their plot armor and become fair game. This is not to say I mean to target the thing, just letting you know it will be vulnerable.
Edited: daishain on 9th Nov, 2017 - 4:35pm
No, I am aware of the risks at putting a single digit HP creature in as a target, but I want to make better use of the celestial. The Help action is by far the biggest use I can see for it, allowing a distraction to gain advantage for my shots would be great.
Actually, the help action is pretty spiffy on skills, too. If it qualifies, any character can help with lock picking, or whatever they have skill with, and give advantage. The Help action for familiars, or other characters, can give advantage on ranged attacks, if the Helper is within 5 feet of the target, and sacrifices an Action. I probably could have used a Help Action from someone while climbing that damn rope!
Wow, that is pretty good. That would make your familiar a prime target I'm sure though. We shall see.
I want to play a warlock with an invisible familiar such as an imp or quasit one day. You could have some great fun with that *wink*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Nov, 2017 - 7:02pm