Wow, a MC'd, hasted Poljen is a scary thought! Good luck on that roll Paul. Hopefully the big Snow Leopard is feeling inspired enough to pass this!
Daishain, is it possible to tell how Rezmir is fairing thus far? Hopefully our damage is wearing her down.
*lightning crashes, and maniacal laughter can be heard from behind the Dungeon Master screen.* "You shall be torn apart by thine own meatshield! Tremble and despair!"
In any case, it is tough to say for certain, but she is definitely feeling the beatdown right now, a part of why she decided to try and deprive you of some manpower.
I should note, if he does fail his save, dropping the haste spell on him is a possibility.
Edited: daishain on 17th Nov, 2017 - 7:29pm
That evil Dungeon Master! Can Poljen voluntarily fail saves? Can he do so when mind controlled? I could see having to cast Hold Person on him, but he may easily pass the save for that. I suppose Velon would not know this, so if Velon attacks a party member, he may do it regardless of your answer. He would also have to intentionally stop concentrating on Haste. Oy! I vote you just pass this first save Paul!
Wish we had a Bless on as we often used to for aiding in hits and saves, but we lost Geoffroy, Lia, and Velon has moved on to other concentration effects such as he is currently using.
I have a feeling that she is close to falling and this is a last ditch effort to assist her in winning.. Concentrate your shots on her and take her out that will save Poljen if he fails his save as she can not have control over him if she is dead.
I think I am correct to have this little detail added to the main thread. There is no one else up here to assist her but that cultist could prove to be a problem.
Edited: KNtoran on 17th Nov, 2017 - 7:59pm