How much would a slap even cause when it comes to damage? One point of damage, a d3, non-lethal damage? Though of any case it is still an idea but the question is does anyone want to go up to him to try to knock some sense into him.
Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Nov, 2017 - 9:30pm
Okay, assuming Poljen fails his Wisdom Advantaged roll I am putting here, he will turn and use his sword. He has the blade in his hand, and despite it being an ally, he is so used to all the magical healing the group brings, to him it is most efficient to chop him down, then heal him. Of course, if this roll comes up high enough, he will instead go after Rezmir… give me time to see what this roll does, and I shall post soon after.
Poljen is first in the initiative order, so its a moot point. For future reference though, yes, since she said something, his sudden shift in demeanor could lead one to conclude something is up prior to him actually turning on you.
In regards to the two paladins query, Tazskan is not wearing a holy symbol, has not declared himself a paladin, and has not used any paladinesque abilities in either Poljen or Rezmir's presence. (Discounting divine sense, as there's nothing to see in that case.) As far as either of them know, there's only one paladin here.
P.S. Poljen, feel free to get creative on just how much of a visible struggle there is in your presentation if you wish. The impassive mask of an automaton, the panicked voice and face of someone who is no longer in control, or something else?
Edited: daishain on 17th Nov, 2017 - 10:17pm