If I am reading this right, Poljen just scored two critical strikes. I will roll the extra dice here, and assume the cold damage is NOT doubled. Daishain, if the cold damage is in fact doubled, please let me know so I can roll that as well.
Thanks, Paul and Daish for advice. But I will use my second round again with the EB. Having already roled that anyhow.
Probably more prudent to weaken the guards a little bit, before rushing into mêlée.
I'm still only wearing leather, compared to their plate mail.
I can use the hellish rebuke only if attacked first, and taken damage.
My other spells, unless I'm mistaken require some material components. So will have to wait. I still have the lightning breath though.
Edited: anronrosby on 28th Nov, 2017 - 10:03am
I often just roll it and at least allude to it when describing Velon's melee attacks when Poljen, Cratol, etc. Are engaging the same target(s). I don't expect to get the bonus each time nor would ever argue with Daishain on such as I expect that sometimes we are fighting in a spread out fashion, enemies could be back to back or have their backs to the walls, etc. Etc.
Bahamut knows Velon needs help hitting on these D20's!
Edited: Cinder on 28th Nov, 2017 - 7:58pm