Yeah we can say the reaction to the tense situation and stress of waiting did trigger such reactions from Zarra and Poppo, but at just that moment Tazskan informs them both that, as Poljen as being dragged down the hall, Lawrance, Velon, and some newcomers emerged and things turned for the better. The giant is dead, Poljen has been healed, and people are closer to Cratol and Lora than Zarra and Poppo could get for many rounds.
Funny, Poljen was really only one round of attacks away from his glorious victory. Oh well, there's no shame in a team effort, and the three did come 'this close' to downing two giants all by themselves.
Looks like the control room is empty again. Now it can be taken back over by the cult and we can be once again locked out once we get back down the stairs. Having no means to get back inside if it is locked will make matters even harder. Oh well that is the way it goes I guess. Edited: KNtoran on 6th Dec, 2017 - 4:00pm
Why is everyone leaving the control room?They are all going against explicit orders from Velon. Cinder just gave y'all a way to correct this. . Velon won't trust any of you again for any important tasks. If Lia was there she would be furious. I'm sure Velon will be as well. Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Dec, 2017 - 3:58pm
I never actually had her go to leave the room yet, instead it was others who kind of forced the situation to be that. To fix the mistake I had her stop at the door and not actually exit the room. The intention was that she was all charged up and ready to leave, not actually having taken action just yet. Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Dec, 2017 - 4:09pm
Yes I've already been debating how to have Velon deal with people who act impulsively and foolishly, like not using silencing stones and 'cutting throats' with sticks. Now everyone is running amok, for reasons that are confusing based on the timeline of events (After the battle is won and healing is reaching those who are down)? I really don't want to roll play the 'leader' (No one wants to play Dungeons & Dragons with a dictator leader PC, he's just the tie breaker, otherwise taking input from all PC's and making tough final calls) that has to yell and scream at everyone.
My concerns about people not fully reading what everyone else is posting is now at an all time high. Actions are being posted about going to save the day after the battle is won and healing is being administered to all. We had a way of communicating what was happening back to the control room specifically to avoid this mess.
Yes at least Thomas was willing to say "Oops, yeah Zarra halts right before leaving once she hears that the situation has drastically improved".
Thats correct there was a dragonborn guarding a room. Yes, he did relay what the pseudodragon saw to them.
Unfortunatly, in the heat of the moment Tazskan did send his familiar in harms way. Fortunately he didn't get squashed like a bug.
Also, as both Zarra and Poppo left the room, Tazskan was the only one left with no one to guard.
Not, wanting to leave anyone behind, he reluctantly left with them.
So, Tazskan will probably get a bollocking from both his familiar an Velon.
Can the three characters, Cratol, Poljen, and Lora be revived?
Oh, did I forget to mention that I'm still following Zarra, and Poppo, still guarding *laugh*. Edited: anronrosby on 6th Dec, 2017 - 4:13pm
Poppo is impulsive and got convinced to follow along with Zarra. I thought this was just a way to show how chaotic things can be. I saw this as a fill-in of time while the others were rushing up the stairs. I didn't mean to disrupt the flow of things and do read the posts. I guess its harder to convey time passage in a linear posting format.