Poljen does have 3 attuned items already, I think. Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, his Cloak of Protection (+1... If the new one has better he'd gladly trade up), and something else. I forget what, and will look it up.
We do need to question the new prisoners. Finding the vampire's lair is a good idea. I'd much rather have us face that headache on its own, rather than have it alongside the white dragon. We have enough magic and power we should be able to take each solo… okay, the dragon will still be rough. But I am confident we can do it. As long as we are at full strength. Assuming we get this long rest in, Poljen will still have one level of exhaustion unless someone can cast a Greater Restoration to banish it.
EDIT: The Handaxe of Returning is the third item…
Edited: PaulNelson on 7th Dec, 2017 - 6:49pm
Did my homework of adjusting Velon's AC, saves, and melee attack bonus on the character sheet.
Not only is the Cloak of Protection up for grabs, but I believe Velon still has that glove we found a LONG time ago that can hold a fairly large item hidden in the palm. (I wrote down that no one else claimed it so Velon would carry it until a use could be found.) . If anyone wants it or can think of a creative use for it, long term or situational, say the word! Would be great for a thief-type character.
Edited: Cinder on 7th Dec, 2017 - 7:19pm
Cratol will also have one level of exhaustion one the long rest is done plus he will be looking for Lorairies to cast that remove curse on him so he will be back to mostly normal. He is not worried to much about magic items right now unless someone has a nice quarter staff of striking or just a magical quarterstaff. Any protection items can help him too.
If no one takes it I'd be willing to claim the cloak of protection and that glove. I don't believe she's wearing a clock already nor anything for the hands.
Agreed, as they are both in melee often. How large an item is 'large', for the glove - I'm curious.
Also, as aside note for Daishain, since the castle is powered by an air elemental or equivalent, about what level spell would be enough to summon a power source to replace the Queen, and how long would it last in the cylinder? Can that information be gotten from the Queen?
I'd have to go back and find the discussion with the Dungeon Master. I recall that we couldn't hide our own personal castle in the glove or anything. It was more along the lines of "If you can pick it up, you can put it in the glove", thus maybe a weapon, a stolen item, etc. Maybe a large boulder if you're Poljen and you can make it happen *wink*.
Indeed, nothing beyond the wearer's personal carry capacity, and it is limited to a single inanimate item. But otherwise yeah, you can get creative. Such gloves are most often used to carry large weapons, magic staves, and other such items, but smuggling something that was stolen out is certainly a possibility.
Note: Anything that is liable to actively resist changes to its form may not react well to that glove. I wouldn't suggest trying it with the Mask for instance.
In regards to bringing in an elemental to pop into that chamber, you need to actually bring one here to this plane. The usual summoning spells just call on a temporary reflection of the real thing. In regards to the default 5E spells, I believe only Gate, Wish or a couple of other such spells would directly do the trick, they're 9th level spells. A little less directly, Plane Shift (7th level spell), could be used to travel to the plane of Air, capture such a creature, and then travel back. That stated, I am of the opinion that the default spells are just a tiny fraction of the magics actually available, so don't be afraid to seek other options.
Edited: daishain on 7th Dec, 2017 - 9:48pm