Day, I’d like to get my hawk inside the rib cage of the skeleton. What would I roll to accomplish that? I’m thinking that the hawk would be point blank auto or advantage contact in a safe zone for conducted spells. Would that be correct?
Gah, sorry, he took 17 damage there. Could've sworn I had that in there.
Knight, have the hawk roll an acrobatics check to get in there. If successful, I'll let you pump touch spells into whatever he's holding onto without a target roll.
Check Introduction, in just a little bit I will post there, and I have caught up with everyone's posts so far since being away… my question is, would there be an issue with Zarra having followed the party or should she stay behind?
Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Dec, 2017 - 6:20am
It would be fine if she follows the party as long as she leaves the mask behind with someone else in the control room. Bringing the mask out and confronting the vampire would probably be met with a lot of opposition. The mask must be kept safe at all costs. Zarra had agreed earlier to stay out of harms way with the mask.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th Dec, 2017 - 6:06am
Well in that case, I may include both considerations and start in the Control Room, to possibly go after the others unless Zarra is talked out of it or someone takes the mask.
I have updated my HP. I do have a healing potion left. Poljen can take one more hit and stay on his feet… if it is a [Critical Hit], he probably will go down though.
D, don't forget to add in the extra 7 points from Poljen's second hit being a critical, please.
Edited: PaulNelson on 18th Dec, 2017 - 5:20pm
Well, now that my hawk (Gotta make up a name for the overworked guy!) is inside the cage of rib, I'm waiting for next round Dai post to start hiding and shocking grasp the hell outta him. Don't know how that's going to go…