Thanks for the heads up. Let's say then that the plan was to go in with pass without trace and if they wake the dragon, Ignazio will have invisibility ready.
Concerning attunement, is that something I have to focus on or after an hour of wearing it, will the magic "Kick in?"
If I were to have Zarra cast Invisibility on herself can I reroll the Stealth check? As I would be having her take a different action… Which I believe could qualify for a new Stealth check, and might prevent completely blowing the party's scouting attempt/stealth team.
I don't understand what the purpose of the scouting was if the whole group walks right up behind them *wink*
Wow Thomas. I say having advantage makes it much less likely to roll back to 1's and the embedded dice proves me wrong. I think that Zarra is about to have a really bad moment.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Dec, 2017 - 12:53pm
I figure scouting was worthwhile in case the dragon was ready and waiting to kill the first person who walked out of the passage, or was blocking it, etc. Perhaps also there might have been interesting things to note about the environment that would require further strategizing.
Since the dragon is far away on a ledge and nothing to unexpected has been described by the Dungeon Master, it’s time for a fight. We’re unlikely to surprise this dragon in any meaningful way or to ‘cut its throat’. We’re here to fight it.
In turn, I am unsure of why everyone beyond just the scouting party wants to be invisible. It’s going to drop the second a fight starts and it’s already been discussed that the dragon can likely smell everyone anyhow. Save your spell slots if you weren’t one of the lead scouts.
The dragon can smell them and has blind sense out quite a ways. Our group would have discussed it. Once people have greater invisibility they can attack and stay hidden. Regular invisibility is definitely a waste unless someone is just going to hide.
I understand about the scouting and the time to fight. It was just strange the way the narrative was written. No one should have known about the dragon except the scouts who would report back about it. Some characters seemed to walk right behind the stealth characters which would defeat the whole purpose of scouting. Not a big deal though. It is now time to slay a dragon.
I really hate to kill this dragon due to personally loving dragons. Has anyone considered negotiating with the dragon? They are pretty self interested. If it is the only survivor it might very well stay in the lair for a share of future treasure acquired. If this campaign wasn't about dragons serving Tiamat I bet we could convince that dragon to side with us.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Dec, 2017 - 1:17pm