Daishain, that is why I created actions in case Poljen could not move closer to engage again in melee. The hand axe is in range at 20, long range at 60. If this round's Wisdom save comes at the end of the urn, use the hand axe attacks for this round, and I will move back into melee next round. Let me know if you want to simply use those contingency rolls for next round. No worries there. If it allows him to melee this round, so much the better. I will roll for the AoO from last round here. And yeah, dragons don't get to be big if they are stupid. I just did almost 50 damage to it, and if it decides to start smashing me to avoid that, you support guys will nickel and dime it to death. He can see I can take a lot of punishment, so would rather face me after taking out you all. This is going to be a cool fight! He has his Legendary Saves and Actions, and the Lair Actions… but I am confident we will prevail!
Dai, can you please update the map with Tazskan in melee at grid coordinates R12 or R11?
I think, Tazskan also rolled a critical hit unless I'm mistaken. A D20 with a +6 modifier, is the to hit roll, and he rolled 26.
So just in case, I'm correct will post extra rolls here, not sure if its rolled once or twice? Otherwise, don't amend if not counted.
Anron, as has been discussed several times here lately, you do not need to roll for critical damage. Daishain will already be adding average dice damage on top of previously rolled damage for crits. He will update the map at the end of each round with his large Dungeon Master update.
I will update the map when I update the game. As it stands it represents where people are at the beginning of round 2.
In regards to critical hits, you did get a critical hit, but you do not need to roll anything. I will be adding average weapon damage on top of what you already rolled.
Sorry, about repeating inquiry about critical hit damage. Another few query's though, is Divine smite treated in same way as Eldritch blast, not subject to an available spell slot to use? In other words available each round, as unlimited use. Or is it restricted to available spell slots?
As I have one 2nd level slot, and two 1st level slots left. The answer will have a bearing, on Tazskans subsequent, options if combat turns out to be lengthy.
Also I'm assuming that Tazskan has no inherent racial modifiers to being exposed to frightful presence of a dragon. But, fortunately for him point is mute for at least 24 hours, due to his lucky save, sound correct Dai?
Finally, when would Tazskan need to roll for a concentration save? Would he save on his intelligence, before combat?
Edited: anronrosby on 25th Dec, 2017 - 2:33am
No, Divine smite is not unlimited, if you read the text, it explicitly states that it is fueled by expending spell slots.
No, you have no racial modifiers vs frightful presence. Yes, it is rendered moot by passing the save.
Concentration saves need to be made only if you're maintaining a concentration spell and then get damaged (Or otherwise get jolted around, such as by getting bucked off a horse).