Elven chain would be a fair default to fall on when it comes to picking a rare magic item, though this would only be immediately useful if I keep playing as Zarra… Of which I have noted is the preference expressed by least one other player. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 11:44am
I am going to have to think and do a little reading to choose what to purchase with the blank check that Dai just gave us all. I am excited about the possibilities!
Oh man, I know, it's making my head spin. Looking up a few things right now. The 3 attuned item limitation is my biggest concern. I'm already heavily relying on my strength gauntlets, ring of extra spell slots (Or sorcery points!), and the giant bracelet (Sash for Velon) of plus Charisma to melee strikes. The only one I can see swapping out is the gauntlets for the belt of hill giant strength, boosting that effect.
Cloak of Displacement is pretty sick, but I can't afford the attuned slot. Did Cratol or anyone actually end up taking Velon's Cloak of Protection?
Wait, we need a air elemental to power the castle right? This item could perhaps be of use:
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
Wondrous Item, Rare
While incense is burning in this censer, you can use an action to speak the censer's command word and summon an air elemental, as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell. The censer can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
This 6-inch-wide, 1-foot-high vessel resembles a chalice with a decorated lid. It weighs 1 pound.
If the Dungeon Master allows this items to be used for such purpose, it would mean picking a rare item that could be used by the party even if I do have Zarra leave the party so I can bring back Geoffroy. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 4:36pm
The censer's summons only works for an hour, after which the elemental disappears, so it's not good enough for the purpose we need it for. It'll have to be a high-level summons to get a permanent power source, or maybe a quest into the elemental planes to capture an air elemental.
EDIT: Ring of Air Elemental command would be better, but a bit too convenient to find in the horde. Find an Air Elemental, Dominate Monster (With a Bardic Insp and Bless going, maybe?), and force it into the tube within the hour. Edited: Gknightbc on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 4:47pm
As of right now I'm leaning towards upgrading from gauntlets of ogre power to belt of hill giant's strength to boost my Strength from 19 to 21. It's not exciting, but it does the job and is an item I've been thinking of saving for anyhow. Of course getting the fire giant one would be really amazing, but I can't imagine that's on the horizon any time soon.
If anyone else has ideas for Velon during your search, please do let me know! Ideally it's non attunement items, or at least is better for me than the ring with 2 x level 1 spell slots (Which are VERY nice for Shield and Sorc. Point conversion for Velon). I could still get the Cloak of Displacement and take off the ring until I've run low on spell slots, but +1 to Strength is probably best.
I think the Closk of Displacement would make Velon really hard to take out. When Lia rejoins the group he would have resistance to all damage with warding bond and enemies would have disadvantage to even hit him. It's just a thought. More offense is nice but the longer you are standing in a fight the more damage you are dealing.