Kyrroeth, the reason I do not wish to take that feat, is that I can see him switching back and forth between the two-handed weapons and the sword-&-shield style. And right now, I don't think his attack bonuses are high enough to use the -5-to-hit for the +10-damage often. So it would only be useful when fighting lots of small mooks he can kill easily. And despite the dice thing, I don't think I would get the extra attack often from rolling criticals.
Paul, since you asked, my guy reaction was the CON since every HP is like two to Poljen often enough, and a boost to con saves. Removing the attunement requirement to keep your strength up is also interesting, though. As you say there's the ring preventing being charmed or whatever, or a spell slot ring that could hold a casting of Haste for you that Ignazio, Velon or whoever else could cast for you. Although tempting, I may pass on that last option if I were you considering the party makeup. Convincing Ignazio to stay may mean you rarely are wanting for Haste anyhow, and you are Velon's #1 Haste option too, or at least Twinned between Velon and Poljen both.
Any thoughts in character on Velon's post about keeping the Silver Blaze name? Poljen had objected a while back so he didn't argue out of respect for the big man, but many seem to take pride in the name after the great deeds that have been done. (A name is likely to go down in history if it isn't changed often based on party composition too, I'd think *wink*).
I understand Paul. Poljen normally has bless in place which helps with the -5 penalty. He would get an extra attack with his bonus action every turn he drops someone to 0 hit points as well. That's almost every turn. It would give him 3 attacks a turn without haste being considered.
Another option to consider is the toughness feat. It would give him 16 more hit points and an extra 2 each level from here on out.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Jan, 2018 - 3:22am
Ooh that's a good point, Ky. Sacrifice the +1 to CON saves by taking the feat instead and getting double the HP. My math would put Poljen at 4,792 damage absorption when you consider resistance *wink*
Ky, that Cloak of Displacement is still very much on my mind. I had forgotten though it wasn't just +1 to strength vs. The cloak. It was +1 strength AND probably 2 spell slots (Giving up the ring to free an attunement slot) versus the cloak. Couldn't justify going without basic stat and slot boosts. I bet the Dungeon Master is happy, the cloak would be yet another thing for him to remember when resolving each round.
What do you think though, now that I have my +1 strength? I could save up for the Cloak still. I have to have my strength belt (21 vs 13 Strength!) and I can't see giving up the +5 bracelet (At next level) to damage on every melee hit. That leaves the new Cloak vs. The 2 level 1 spell slots. If they would likely be used for Shield anyhow, both options probably block a hit or two. Perhaps the cloak blocks more turn after turn, fight after fight?
Kyrroeth, the Toughness is not a bad thought. I will consider it. And he does not drop someone every round. Not even when fighting guards. When fighting something bigger it does very little. And while Bless helps, it does not necessarily help enough to cover that -5. I am thinking about that for level 12...
Cinder, Poljen made that remark because we had lost so many of the original Blaze. With Lia coming back, and maybe even Geoffrey, and having had a little time to cool down, I think he will be amenable. But I would like to role-play it out at some point. When the topic is first broached he might be disinclined, but I am sure he can be persuaded.
EDIT: Kyrroeth, I can see a scene like that one in Raiders where Poljen convinces Lora to foolow him to an empty bedroom on the top floor, and promptly falls asleep before he can really put any moves on her. Care to run with that? We could even do it in the Side Stories…
Edited: PaulNelson on 4th Jan, 2018 - 3:41am
Cratol and Velon mentioned the Blaze name and banners on the castle back on page 748. Velon asked Poljen's opinion because he had strong feelings about it. Sorry, I know I've been posting a ton so it's probably easy to miss!
(On that note, Kyrroeth please see my previous post if you are so inclined!).
What about the Chromatic Blaze, since we’re such a varied pack, now? if there is going to be a lot of juggling as you people swap out items, perhaps a spreadsheet is in order once Dai gets the list together?
Also, I was thinking we need some walls of stone to close off the dragons entrance. It’s an easy permanent spell at 9th level caster, and could close up that huge hole. Not to Mention any other spots we think need shoring up.