The items need to be made for it, its not exactly something that can just be tacked on with a bit of epoxy.
The spiked shield could be wielded as an off hand weapon, using all the normal rules and limitations for two weapon fighting.
I will be posting under the assumption that 1 platinum piece is the equivalent of 10 gold. Which would make the price quoted on the gryphon rental to be 1000 gold, with a refund/deposit of 800... Let me know if this is incorrect please.
That is correct:
1 Platinum = 10 gold = 20 electrum = 100 silver = 1,000 copper
Electrum's a weird one (Its a silver+gold alloy [By The Way]), I'm not sure what it is still doing in the official progression, no one I've met uses it.
Mari now has Boots of Elvenkind to go along with her Weapon of Warning she had previously. No party members within 30 feet of her can be surprised. .
I believe that we have two of the 500 gp diamonds unclaimed still. We should probably determine who is carrying those. It could be important down the road. Maybe Velon could hold onto them.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 19th Jan, 2018 - 2:08am
My apologies for MIA, what have I missed? Perhaps I haven't cause too many issues by not posting for Zarra. It should hopefully not take too long to catch up on what's been going on.
Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Jan, 2018 - 2:58am
Short story, the castle's been taken north to a dwarven city called Adbarrim, everyone's done some shopping, and all but Cratol, who's been standoffish lately, have just gathered in an inn to talk and catch up with Lia+Mari, who have rejoined the group.
Thanks, perhaps after I catch up on the 10 pages I missed I can decide how to bring Zarra into the picture to at least be introduced to Lia between making the decision of whether she will stay or go her own way… Perhaps to figure a few things out and whether she us okay with staying as she is even if there are those she could call friends at this point.
Essentially I'm going to be making the final decision in the next couple of posts on whether or not I'm actually going to be keep roleplaying as Zarra to go back to doing so as Geoffroy with his sister and squire by his side.